Can I really do it this time?? : HI everybody... - Quit Support

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Can I really do it this time??

Tracker2000 profile image
Tracker20005 MONTH WINNER
22 Replies

HI everybody, never been on this kind of thing before but stumbled across it at the weekend and have to say it really inspired me!

I am about to embark on my latest (and hopefully my last) attempt to pack up the fags. I have 3 packs left from my last trip abroad and the plan is to quit when they are gone so never pay English prices for fags again!! 

I know all the reasons for quitting but I have to admit to being a bit of a rebel and the more people nag me to quit the more i want to keep doing it. I have developed a bit of a smokers cough now and finally realised the folly of my ways... This time I do really want to quit.

I have been practising the last few days by not smoking at all the times i would normally light up; getting in the car, after eating, sitting in traffic jams etc. Today i sat in a jam for 35 minutes without smoking...quite proud of myself :-)

Have also given up alcohol since thats the worst time and it wrecks your will power. I am struggling though with the morning bucket of tea, I can't seem to do without those 2. Any ideas? I don't want to start my days without my cuppa!!

Also I am getting from the forum that e-cigs is not the way to go. That was my plan, i have been using it on and off but after a few weeks only the real thing will do and i go back. Guess i am answering my own question here but those times i never really wanted to give up and this time I do. Any advice on e-cigs welcome


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Tracker2000 profile image
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22 Replies
LilyMay73 profile image

Hi Tracker2000. The answer is a big YES you can do this. Most of us on here are on more than our first attempt but the biggest point you've made is that this time you really want to do it. That's absolutely key to success as it will make things easier.

It would be worth considering which, if any, NRT you are going tonuae. I'm afraid I can't give advice on that but there are loads of pinned posts and other members who will be able to help.

Good luck with your quit, you absolutely can do it!

Maddyg profile image

Hi tracker, welcome and well done on deciding to quit. It's not an easy road and plays havoc with your emotions , but you can do it , determination you seem to have this time and that is what has got me through. Everyone's quit is different and the way they choose to do it , cold turkey to NRT or e cigs, whatever you feel will get you through. I have quit several times and tried all cold turkey to attending cessation classes ect, and always failed . I have quit using the e cig and am now on omg nicotine. It has worked for me and use it now and again when I feel the urge. Many of these wonderful people of our quit family will tell you there ways, and what worked for them. But it is an individual choice, and I feel that if you choose e cigs then they are better than real ones with all the chemicals in. Do some research, plan and choose how you are going to achieve your goal of being a non smoker. Stay close to this site as the support is wonderful and always someone to chat to. Read the pinned post to your right. Set yourself a date. You have started already by cutting down. My morning ones were the ones I missed. I drank hot water or fresh juice at first not to bad, I am now able to have my coffee, without really wanting one. Good luck you can do this we all know what you are going through, one day at a time. 

Maddy :)

Tracker2000 profile image
Tracker20005 MONTH WINNER

Thanks for quick replies, its really great to know someone is out there to help me at any time.. i like that 👍 My best previous best attempt was about 14 weeks and achieve with a combination of gum, plastic fag and support group. I started again when i went to live in Spain where smoking was normal, acceptable and cheap!!

Been back in UK now about 2 years and not happy about it which is probably why my various attempts at giving up smoking have failed. Its a struggle to find the motivation when you are fed up all the time. I used to be quite active playing golf, tennis and cycling but couldn't be bothered and haven't had the money to do those things either. 

Light bulb moment last Sunday... if I didn't smoke i would have the money to join a golf club and play tennis and buy a bike.....Derrrrr!!!! Not only would I be rid of the poison in my body but I can get my life back 😃😃

Now I have a real motive I feel a lot more confident this time. I have a stash of different "aids", all left over from previous attempts so I am well prepared!!!

Maddyg profile image
Maddyg in reply to Tracker2000

There you go Tracker, you have a seared your question. The money you save will defo help you . Good luck and take one day at a time . You can do this . Here for you x

Bevie1968 profile image

Hi tracker2000 I'm using champix it's the 4th time and doing well ,I really wanted to stop this time ,fed up with paying so much for fags and getting less in a packet .this group are so supportive I've been lucky as my cough stopped within a week of stopping only cough now to rid my lungs of the rubbish and that's in the morning ,suffered headaches everyday while smoking not had one since I stopped .wirh out a doubt would not have got this far without the lovely people on here ,we can talk about stopping and people know and understand what it's like .when you choose your start date get a pot and put your fag money in it I've saved over 200 pound let us no your quit date and good luck 🍀🍀

glolin profile image

Hi Tracker ....YES you can quit.....all you need a strong determination and a strong desire to achieve..

Put every dollar not wasted on cigarettes in to a jar and in no time at all - there is your golf membership and tennis  😀😀

How good would this be for your emotional health ....think about it...Summer is NIKE say.....JUST DO IT  😀😀😀

Alan Carr's book on quitting did me (and many others on here)!the world of good.  Keep reading it over and over...the logic is undeniable.  Good luck and stick with this will do it whatever method you choose

Tracker2000 profile image
Tracker20005 MONTH WINNER in reply to

Thanks Rozi, i read that book before and it did help. I also read a very good book called " How can you give up smoking when you eat tomatoes" Anyone heard of that one? It really gets you thinking about what you are doing, very well written

Tracker2000 profile image
Tracker20005 MONTH WINNER

Determined I am but now i need to put a date on it and that is scaring me...

OK here goes... 23rd April, St Georges Day. I will slay that dragon. There I have done it 🎉🎉😅😅😅

Thanks evrybody for your encouragement 👍


in reply to Tracker2000


Welcome Tracker😊

Yes , I have to watch alcohol as well ... Huge trigger to light up😷😷🚭🚭

My psychological dependence on smoking ran its course in 5 months.  I was exhausted and depressed but the wait was worth it... The first month is the worst.... I kept my reason close why I had to stop smoking and our quit family stopped me from lighting up time and time again...

Best wishes from 🇨🇦


Tracker2000 profile image
Tracker20005 MONTH WINNER in reply to

Thanks Arizona, yes the reason is the key I think. Am going to print loads of copies and stick them up everywhere (oops, that sounds a bit rude!) Tonight I am going to do the lists and things I read on the pinned post about planning. 

droopyJ profile image

Hiya tracker and welcome to the quit family😊

Can't advise on ecigs as I used patches. For me personally I wanted to get rid of the whole hand to mouth thing so that's why I didn't do the ecig..... But you may benefit from joining a cessation group or seeing a cessation person.... Also means additional support and cheap NRT😊

The fact that you stumbled upon this site means that you are serious so that's good😊

We have a new member on here who has COPD who has been told that they probably won't see their 65 b'day.... There 61.... To me that was the scariest and saddest post I have ever read.... If that doesn't help us quit then nothing will!😟

Keep this site nice and close and we will help you as much as we can😊

Remember NOPE...... Not One Puff Ever 😊🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🍀🍀🍀🍀

Tracker2000 profile image
Tracker20005 MONTH WINNER in reply to droopyJ

Thanks droopyJ, i saw that post too, what was especially sad and worrying is that he or she had quit smoking 2 years quitting doesn't necessarily mean you are off the hook...that's a bit upsetting as I had it in my head that once I quit I will live happily ever after....

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to Tracker2000

It may not stop us from getting a serious illness but it may slow it down..... The longer we can give up the better I think 😊

Tracker2000 profile image
Tracker20005 MONTH WINNER in reply to droopyJ

Have sussed this one's about giving yourself the best possible chance as opposed to the near certainty if you carry on smoking

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to Tracker2000

Yes couldn't put it better myself 😊

Nottobad profile image
Nottobad in reply to droopyJ

I thought they had stopped using the end stage copd because people seem to be living longer 

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to Nottobad

Sorry notto I'm not sure I understand your reply?

Nottobad profile image
Nottobad in reply to droopyJ

The stages for COPD are mild modarate severe and end stage. I don't understand how a doctor can prodict someone's life expectancy. Stoping smoking only slows down the progression of the disease. The damage  has already been done. So stopping smoking is a good thing because you will live longer than if you kept on smoking. And I read that doctors were stopping using end stage due to people living longer. Just  because you have stopped smoking doesn't mean you will be cured of COPD. It could still progress but slower. I had a GP once say to me I would be on oxygen by the time I was 60 if I didn't stop smoking. Then I was told by a consultant that the damage was done so  why stop smoking. If you are one of the unlucky ones like me to get COPD you can still have a long life. It's all about you controlling your COPD and not letting your COPD controle you.

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to Nottobad

Very informative thanks nottobad. I didn't understand about the various stages of COPD. maybe some docs like to frighten you a bit to push you to give up smoking/alcohol/drugs... ??

It sounds like an awful, scary illness . Maybe the doc who diagnosed the other member was just managing their expectations? 

Thanks for explaining though, I think it's really useful too for other members who are not aware😊

Briarwood profile image

Hi Tracker and welcome to our quit family😊

I see you've got lots of good advice already so I'll just say I used the ecig and found it worked for me. That and the support of this terrific forum. St Georges day sounds like a great day to start your healthier lifestyle, well done and no matter how you decide to quit, we are here for you. Good luck🚭🍀

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