3 Weeks Without cigs,3 Weeks Vaping - Quit Support

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3 Weeks Without cigs,3 Weeks Vaping

Babydoggy profile image
7 Replies

Ive been off the cigs now for 3 weeks today&ive been

Vaping on my e cig,ive come out with dry skin/rash on my

Face,am i allergic to the e cig?im prone to dry skin anyway

On my face but nothing like i have now,they look like small

Water blisters,hope someone can help with my question,cheers babydoggy.

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Babydoggy profile image
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7 Replies
EmJay profile image

Hi Babydoggy, when stopping smoking some people do notice a difference in the appearance of their skin, its usually for the better though, especially long term. Ive not heard of water blisters though... Try drinking plenty of water as this will help flush out any unwanted toxins.

With regards to it being related to the use of your e-cig, because they've not yet been regulated and tested to a certain standard, then we are not completely sure as to what ingredients are in them and whether or not they are harmful to the user, another reason why we can't recommend their use.

You've come so far now and it would be such a shame for you to go back to smoking. I would recommend that you focus on working with your mind, the psychological side. This will keep you from slipping back into places you don't want to be.

Just out of curiosity, how often are you using your e-cig each day? Would you consider changing over to another product?

Once we can determine whether it not the e-cig or stopping smoking is causing you this problem, then we can determine the next best plan of action...

Try and stay positive and remember that we're with you all the way :-)

in reply to EmJay

Hello there Babydog,

I'll add my tuppence worth - see if helps you.

I'm now into my third week without the rollups. I too have both a Vapour Cig and an ECig. What I'm finding is - if I use the Vapor, is that I have a constantly running nose, (very sore and inflamed inside too), rather like a really bad cold. I do suffer from many allergies anyway. However, I've had to stop using the Vaporiser, as it's become so uncomfortable. I do agree it was very helpful, and stopped me panicking when I wanted to inhale. But, EmJay is right, it's going to be very necessary for us to stop inhaling stuff, as this is the part of the smoking addiction which is just as hard to kick as the Nicotine. I find the Minty white nicotine gum is really the best help to me, and yes, an inhaler helps a little if you need to suck on something. Not as pacifying as the Vaporiser I know, but, I think that's something we have get used to not doing - sooner rather than later.

I suspect your skin break-out could be related to the Vaping. But, I'm no Medic, and it's maybe best to get it checked out soon. And, leave of the Vaping to see if it is this. Lots of water is good, to help flush out your system also, as EmJay says.

Although no one is certain, we really don't know just what is in the vapor liquid that may indeed cause allergies of different kinds to different people.

But, you're doing great... so keep at it. Treat the Vaping as an experiment that hasn't worked for people like us. Do stick around on this website... it's been a huge help to me.

No matter what... I definitely don't want to smoke again - ever.

Best wishes, Gill.

Babydoggy profile image

I dont use the e cig as i smoked cigs i carry it round

In my top pocket and have a vape when i feel the need

I couldnt tell you exactly how many,i used to smoke at least

30 rolls ups a day & its nowhere near that many,you dont smoke

The ecig i just have it on me at all times,think its the having something

In my hand why i use it because i have a very tedious job what can be boring

At times i have a vape.i will keep at it and see if it clears up,maybe see doctor

But whatever the outcome i wont be returning to cigarettes i may have to go

Cold turkey.

EmJay profile image

You could maybe consider using the inhalator then? Or try the idea of carrying a pen around instead? If you remove the insides of it, you can even safely puff on it too :D

Another idea to keep your hands occupies is to maybe get done worry beads?

I can see that you are determined and that makes it so much easier :D

I'm almost at London now but will look in on you later :0)

That sounds like a good idea with the empty pen EmJay, I might try that one. Could it be Eczema Babydoggy? Either an allergy to something in the e-cig causing a flare up or maybe even stress? Giving up smoking is very stressful after all. Is it itchy?

Babydoggy profile image

It's not itchy sin free its like dry and sore,they are pimples when looked closely,maybe it's acne,hopefully the bad toxins from smoking all those years coming out.

ManitC profile image

E-cig will dry your body out. Especially if you are puffing non stop.

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