Hi everyone
Just thought I'd check in as it is coming up my one year anniversary. I am still sucking the nicotine lozenges but to be honest I think I always will because as I suffer with anxiety I will always need a fag
They have helped me so much and they really do satisfy the cravings and keep me from lighting up. I have put loads of weight on and that makes me miserable but I haven't had a chest infection now since before I quit. In fact I've gone from having chest infection after chest infection to not even suffering a cold in the last year so for me that speaks volumes. I never forget the worsening health problems I was having and tell myself that if I light up again I will probably be signing my own death warrant.
Sometimes I hear my neighbours out in the garden in the early mornings coughing their insides up and it makes me realise what a terrible thing smoking is and how thankful I am that I have managed to stay off them for a whole year.
I have stopped smoking twice before during my lifetime both for two years and I am aware of how easy it is to relapse so I never become complacent. I hope that never happens to me again because the pain of going through stopping again just is not worth it and I know that one puff will lead to a multitude of health problems.