Yesterday at 10:21am was my one year mark. This 30 year smoker has not had a single cigarette or drag on a cigarette for one year and a day! I had a fit quitting even after I discovered e-cigs, but finally decided ok God, you gotta help me. He did and so I smoked that final smoke, picked up my exit and haven't looked back. I don't even think of them anymore. I thought at some point I'd have one because I loved smoking so much, but I don't think so. I love being free from the chains too much to ever go back even for a visit.
One Year!: Yesterday at 10:21am was my one year... - Quit Support
One Year!

That is supposed to say picked up my ecig not picked up my exit. Lol autocorrect.

Well done on reaching 1 year. Thats fantastic. Your an inspiration to all of us.

Massive Congratulations Taginalong on your 1 year quit, well done to you
It's always great to hear a success story, gives us all encouragement, thanks

Hi Tagginalong and a huge welcome to Quit Support - although I see you have been with us for almost a year now Lovely to hear from you
Hearing of your success and how it was / is for you will help lots of others who may be going through the same
One year quit, that's bloomin' marvellous
It's great to hear that you also feel so free from your old habit.
Well done to you, a true winner and thanks for sharing

Hi ya Tagg, I see your from the United States, a big warm welcome to you to this quit support forum
A gigantic big well done to you for reaching the 1 Year milestone on your quit
I bet you had a few ups and downs along the way eh
but you got over them and thats the main thing
Tagg, if you have any advice for us, we would love to hear it
Hope to see ya soon and you enjoy being free

Well done, great news, I am just embarking on my no smoking commitment starting Monday, it's lovely to hear how other people are doing, it certainly helps me to push forward, thanks for sharing xx
Hi Aliebee, good luck for Monday!!! It's great that you've called in on the site before you're date and would love to heat how you are doing
There are so many people on here that have loads of great hints and tips for whichever quit method you've chosen so if you need anything please just yell
Hiya Alie and welcome to quit support
Great to see you're ready for your quit on Monday and as Lily has said we're here to help in any way we can
Good luck, stay positive and you can do it
Aup Aliebee, a big warm welcome to our lovely quit support community Its great to hear your starting your quit on Monday
just wondering if you have made a quit plan or not
If not, then just sit yourself down a minute and when your comfy, I will begin
Write a list of WHY's you want to quit.
Think of when it is going to be the hardest times for you and try to think of a way to help you at these times
Maybe think of a hobby that you could do, which would keep you and your hands busy
Are you thinking of exercising - running, walking, going to the gym or dancing to a cd exercising has helped me a great deal
Are you going to use a form of NRT to help you at them bad times
What about joining a quit smoking cessation at your Doctors or chemist
Snacking a lot of our members on here, including myself, find that snacking on things help us to get through
preferably healthy snacks of course
I found that when I first quit, ermmm, I couldnt go to the toilet
sooooo, I started snacking on grapes, job sorted
Maybe put the money you would have spent on fags, in a jar, this way you can watch it grow and grow, day by day and I tell ya it soon grows This is a great incentive for you to quit
Well, I expect your nodding off now so I will leave you to it and good luck for Monday

Hey tagginalong, well done on your year!! That's so worth a celebration brilliant news