Hey I think my brain is getting more fertile now that I've quit. Seriously.
Speaking of cravings (Lish hope you're reading this) they don't last more than 3-4 minutes generally speaking. As your days pass as a non-smoker the cravings get less frequent. Isn't that fantastic news?!!!
As for me I prepare myself for the onset of cravings. I would like to call it the "OH" Factor. What's this all about? Ok the moment a craving kicks in I say "Oh hello there. How can I help you?" It starts with a thought and then moves on to an emotion. This emotion is either a sensation or physical trigger. Then I repeat "OH you're back. Sorry but I'm a bit busy now doing other things" "Bye now"
Honestly guys I was actually having a conversation with a craving this morning. I wasn't fighting it. I just watched it come and go. Magic!!
P.S. Think I'm losing it? hahahaha