Ive kinda had a bad day today I've spent all day craving for a cigarette which i haven't for days until today which is horrible. Ive been eating like crazy also think I'm having nicotine withdrawal still. But I've not had a single smoke as i know id regret doing so. just wondering if anyone know how long it takes for the cravings to go?
(Quitting Smoking) Kinda had a bad day. - Quit Support
(Quitting Smoking) Kinda had a bad day.

Everyone is different, so it's not surprising you would be craving. I'm so happy you haven't caved in and smoked!! Please don't. You're doing so well!!!
I used to go for walks, suck on cough drops, or just do something to distract myself whenever I started craving. My cravings stopped COMPLETELY by the first month. But like I said, Everyone is different!! We're all here for you.

Hi Macman, well done for not caving in! As Heather says, everyone is different. I had bad cravings at 3 days, 3 weeks then 3 months...I'm sure there is some symbolism in there!
I guess I was still getting cravings up to about six months but they gradually got less and less during that time until I was remembering to have one.
It isn't an easy ride but the worst is most definitely behind you now and every day smoke free takes you a step closer to craving free! And more importantly, if you had a smoke you'd end up doing that awful first week again! That thought alone kept me going 😊
Good luck and stay strong, you can do this!
Hi Macman, yep it's tough and got to say my hardest week was week 3 , the week I was at my worst and I found this lovely site. It will get easier, believe me. Can't say how long as all different, for me I guess I feeI have only come out the other side now, not to say it's been bad till now. I started having more good days than bad after week 4 to 5 so hold on, take one day at a time. You have done Fantastic , nearly a month
Hi mac man the ladies have said it all😊
I still get the odd craving! You are doing stupendously so keep it up 😊
The truth for me was it took months--The good news is the cravings got easier fast--it was other withdrawal symptoms-Like not sleeping--to much sleeping(is there such a thing?) eating myself silly-crying spells(omg they are gone-just realized) just a general sense of loss--like there was an empty hole in me waiting to be filled--I am still learning to breathe properly as my body doesn't know what to do with all this air--and I gasp and choke if I don't govern my breathing--It is a journey--BUT it does get better and your will to win will get stronger--There is good time in between the changes.. Just dont get overwhelmed,or frightened and give up--If it were easy we wouldn't have this site and millions of people the world over would be smoke free-instead of slaves to poison-We must feel for them and ourselves and think" freeing me will help me to free someone else"That's what you will want to do--That is another thing that happens--a wonderous one!! You will go from crying for you to wanting to to help others--Just stay close to site--We are all in different stages of recovery--so you aren't alone--Good luck--Get your warrior on and do battle--Hugs *MmeT*

Great job on your quit so far!! I am 5 weeks in..i have good days and bad days, Sunday for me wasn't such a good day, and felt like I was having cravings all day. Due to a lot of stress right now, I popped a sugar free candy in my mouth to stop me from eating everything in sight when my emotions became fragile and I laid down...closed my eyes and practiced the deep controlled breathing.
when that didn't help, like it typically does, I reached out to my mother and came on this site and started feeling much, much better for all of the support
you can do it! One day at a time!

thanks guys 😊 the problem im having is when I'm breathing i keep having a pulling feeling not sure what thats about and sometimes it feels like I've stopped breathing its scary this is ever since quitting smoking has anyone had that before?
Hi Macman What you describe is very,very commonat some point in a persons quit--I didn't have that till month 3 and still learning to breathe right--It isn't as intense now--A lot of people go to Dr just to be reassured--I would get like tightness in my chest--felt I couldn't breathe and had a few panic attacks over it--It isn't fun--but your body is learning how to breath normally--Sometimes Id forget to breathe and I still do that at times too--which causes me to gasp and then all this air im not used to makes me feel like im short of breath but really plenty of air--just not used to it...Maybe you are going to go thru it early and get it out of the way--At 3 mos it was a shock-I cried and whined plenty on here and off--It is just one of the strangest withdrawal symptoms--I understand--Inhale thru your nose and exhale thru your mouth--sort of purse your lips exhaling--not freakishly just a little so you empty lungs slowly--This helps to relax you and learn to breathe right too--Just don't get freaked out--read posts on here--Plenty of people go thru this--ok?/ Hang in there--xxx MmeT
Yeah it sucks tbh I'll get through it
yes you will--I am--I realize in hindsight I haven't done it or maybe in reality haven't focused on it for almost whole days--I think it is a combo of lungs starting to get proper air and us overfocusing on it--getting anxious and then it gets worse--Don't you agree? For me one of worst quit symptoms--other than total grief at losing what I thought was my best friend cried everyday MmeT

LilyMay73 is talking about breathing in another post on the News Feed. Don't forget the pinned posts on the right. A lot of members talk about breathing problems-
Well done for moving through the craving. It's this feeling that invigorates me & beats hands down the alternative. I love the feelings of growth that come with not picking up again, I want more of that and want to know nothing more of the habit I've left behind.
Stay close/NOPE
I think the weird breathing thing is all part of withdrawal. Unless you have had respiratory probs in the past? Otherwise I tend to treat them as a massive death roll from my nicotine devils. They try so hard to scare us into smoking again by any means possible. If they can get you to believe that your breathing is compromised now you have stopped smoking then the next step for them is for you to return to smoking and feeling 'normal'. Ha! There is nothing normal about smoking. So don't indulge them. Stick two fingers up at them and tell them to do one. You are doing so well. Don't give in to them. They are nasty and don't belong in your life. Good luck. Stay strong because we are all in this together.
Happened to me too. So I can strongly identify with your description. I am a nurse and was terrified I was having some sort of respiratory failure. Having spoken to one of the drs. that I work with he reassured me that so much muck clears out of our lungs when we stop that everything gets out of wack. However i have noticed that when i am stressed i crave and my breathing does a funny pulling wheezing thing. I got so freaked monitoring it that i decided to reformat it as my nicotine devils and their death throws. However it it really bothers you and affects your ability to peform daily tasks then get to your GP for a check up.
That sounds so like what I experienced too. Just stay focused and do the breathing exercises. They really do help. I will say nite nite now as I am on shift tomorrow morning.....