Was looking for motivational quitting smoking quotes and I found this...It really is an eye opener!! Especially after hearing most of the stories from the lovely people on here.
Motivation!!: Was looking for motivational... - Quit Support

What I've loved most this year is the Air-it's no coincidence that I've also quit smoking! I've seriously breathed it in, especially outdoors & buzzed. I can taste it, feel it, experience it; like never before. Quitting feels profoundly different than 'having a break from smoking' & it's like my lungs knew & sent out their rewards; it feels great to breathe untainted, without heavy toxins dripping inside, like treacle - It's amazing our bodies endure it for as long as they do!.. Great post Mama x

A great motivator 😀😀👍👍
Thank you MD 😄

I have an old favourite for you Mama.
"You don't smoke......It's the cigarette that smokes......you're just the sucker".
True both metaphorically & actually.

Without the breath we have no life.....why would we choose to poison it? I feel if you can get to the source of your smoking, ie what was your motivation in starting, I believe you can then address the behaviour. For me, it was a feeling of wanting to belong to the cool gang at school-I misguidedly craved their acceptance. There's a lot wrapped up, psychologically, in this last sentence and when I align it with my 40 odd reasons for wanting to quit over a year ago, it all begins to make sense. Much love, Poll X

I think the reason I started smoking was because basically everyone around me was doing it, even my mom I figured if everyone else is doing it it must be good, needless to say I was only 12 at the time. I quit once when I was 16 for two months while on vacation with my aunt in FL, but when I came back and hang out with old friends I missed smoking with them. Then since the past two years since I have had my daughter I have been on and off again probably about 5-6 times.