Face muscles keep tensing up, I keep grinding my teeth, stomach is having the burning sensation, chest tingles at times, feel like I wanna throw up.... Trying to embrace this bad feeling, happens every month at least once...... Feels so bad but it can't hurt me
Think I'm about to have a major attack - Quit Support
Think I'm about to have a major attack
Hi, well done for keeping strong. Ultimately as you say this cannot hurt you and can only make you feel better. Keep going as you have got this
I'm calming down..... Feel better, first major one I had that I didn't run to the E.R. over, actually makes me feel a little proud even tho I feel like crap.... Also realized that my attack was shorter because of this...... Knock on wood.
It won't kill you , go with it stay calm breath slow deep breaths in and out you can get through this xx
I'm wondering have you tried meditation as this may help. If you go to mindfulness-solution.com there are free downloads to try. I have no connection to this site but a friend of mine is studying this at the moment and thought I would suggest it to you. That and slow abdominal breathing have a very calming effect. You're doing great and you're right, it won't hurt you. Apparently this type of meditation is very good but as I say, I'm only passing it on🚭😊
Hi army guy 👋
Sorry you're having a bad time of it, have you always had these feelings or is it just since you quit? It seems that you are suffering from an increase in psychological symptoms agitation, anxiety, restlessness and low moods which can occur during the first few months of quitting. Maybe you should speak to your doctor/nurse to find out about support that is available to you. It does get easier and in spite of how you feel, you're doing fantastic 😀
I had this anxiety stuff first lol panic attack is what made me quit smoking.....
I had PTSD due to deployment stresses and now I'm suffering from panic..... Its a battle but one I'm not losing..... I'm going to keep fighting it.... I am still caffeine surgar and smoke free all at once with panic disorder lol...... Sometimes I wonder if thats what's causing me to be miserable. Anyways I'm in CBT for it and I been sent Paxil to battle it....
Thanks you all again, I am snapping out of it again, doctor thinks I hit rock bottom and it won't get anyworse than what it has got already. Only way to go Now is up.... I'm already fighting anxiety back....... One step at a time.....