Hi folks,I am on day nine of champix and due to have my final cig day 12 but I feel so sick and my stomach is so bloated and I have back pain can anyone tell me if this is a reaction to the Champix is it normal will it pass or should I stop using them.
Champix: Hi folks,I am on day nine of champix... - Quit Support

Hi Irenee, I wish I could help I quit 23 days ago cold turkey, and actually have experienced bloating from the quit (super fun) if I were in your place I would reach out to the GP that prescribed you the medication and inform them of how you are feeling to make sure you're not having an allergic reaction, and to make sure you're having the correct dosage.

Hi irenee and welcome to quit support😊
Congratulations on making the best decision for your future health🚭
I didn't use this but I know nausea can be a side effect and it's a good idea to take it with something to eat, even a biscuit or cracker if ya can't manage much. Some of our members have successfully used this medication and I'm sure one of them will be along soon to advise. Different people react differently so perhaps a phone call to your G.P. would put your mind at rest, as Carissa advised.
Have a good look around this site as lots of help and advice available. We say NOPE not one puff ever🚭🚭🚭 good luck on your quit journey🍀😊
Thank you for you're advice. I am going to take a walk down today to the drop in no smoking clinic and will have a word with one of them. If these feelings are normal symptoms I will ask them if I could maybe try something else.

Hi Irenee166, a big warm welcome to our quit support community
I'm so sorry I missed you
Irenee, you say your 9 days into taking the champix, well you will be on the full dosage now, so it is in your system and is now working on your nicotine receptors in your brain
You say you feel sick, please eat something when you take the tablets, even if its a biccie
Bloated !! this is a very common withdrawal when quitting the smokes, no matter how you quit !!
Aches and pains are also a common withdrawal no matter how you quit !!
Soooo, I do not think its the champix, its just your mind and body adjusting to beeing smokefree
Good luck Pete
Hey Pete ,
Thought I'd catch ya before you go to bed or back to work and say a happy good morning☀️🌺🌸🌷🌺🌸🌷
Good morning Irene 5:10am🇨🇦
My muscles ached when I quit and I had back pain... I felt awful for a month... Don't worry.. These symptoms will disappear .... Quitting is not easy but it's worth it... Honestly ... We're all a friendly bunch and we're here for ya🌺🌸🌷🌺🌸🌷
Not one puff
1 puff = 1 pack
Hi Carissa,
Only just logging on and saw your post I used Champix to quit and they bloated my stomach made feel sick so stopped taking them but they certainly gave me the kick to quit along with the lovely people in this group , I can't comment on back pains as my spine is knackered any way .
I have just passed my 1 year milestone and it isn't plain sailing as the cravings will spring to mind when you least expect them and it has taken a bit of the old will power not to give in and have a ciggie . One thing you will find though is the longer you are off the ciggies you will find the smell of them repulsive well I have lol.
Good luck on your quit journey x

Hi Irene and welcome to the group, I agree with what has already been posted in reply to your question. I've found that I do need to eat something when I take the champix otherwise I feel sick, as monkey said being bloated is common no matter what method you use.
If you can keep going with the Champix I would recommend it as it's the only stop smoking medication that has worked for me. Now on my forth and final attempt but have tried various NRT methods in the past which just haven't worked for me but we're all different as you'll see from this forum but stay close and post if and when you need to as number of very supportive members on here and loads of advice to help you realise your not alone in what your going through x