Hi am on day 15 on champix it seems to be doing the trick but im very sleepy
Ive two weeks left of the tablets has any one finished
The corse id like to no how they are getting on
Hi am on day 15 on champix it seems to be doing the trick but im very sleepy
Ive two weeks left of the tablets has any one finished
The corse id like to no how they are getting on
Hi Buildermk
Well done on quitting smoking and welcome to our online forum. I hope you find lots of useful information on here. I'm not on here very often now, I'm sure Emjay will introduce herself at some point but there are lots of friendly quitters on here.
Champix is a 12 week course, can I ask why you think you have nearly finished? It is advisable to finish the full course too. Think of medication such as anti-biotics, we finish the full course as prescribed by our G.P - well its similar in that you do the full 12 weeks. (I hope this makes sense!)
I'm sure there'll be others on soon to say 'Hi' but in the meantime; well done and we'll catch up at some point.
Oh one last thing; what was your quit date please
Hi jarvo and thanks
My quit date was the11/2/13
I go and see the nurse on thursday i thought
When i finished this corse that was it but all good so far
Ill keep going for it
Im using champix.... Im also wondering why you are nearly finished? Im at 6 weeks stopped on Tuesday but been taking champix for 7 weeks, Ive got 3 weeks left before I go to doctors for another lot of tablets. Its a 12 week course and I would advise you to stay on them that full time (so should your doctor mind you)
You will have fun on this site, it will cheer you up when you feel a craving coming on
Hi Buildermk i am on champix too. Have been on them now for 4 weeks. My health centre only gives out 2 weeks at a time. However I also felt really sleepy for a week or so around about the 2/3 week period. It seems to have passed now though. At that time I found that after an hour or so of taking the tablets I felt really sleepy and sometimes went to bed much earlier than normal. Worked for me though coz if I was sleeping I was not smoking keep with it but same as the others have said this is a 3 month course and it is advised to stay till the end. Good luck with your non smoking journey.
Your right when your sleeping your not smoking lol
Im starting not to think so much about smoking now
Im on day 16 of no smoking but still get the odd moment
When i think about it , but a few deep breaths help me
Come this far cant go back now ??
Aup Buildermk, a big welcome to this lovely quit smoking site
I too am on champix, i started on them on the 18th of January, the first couple of weeks I got bad heartburn and headaches but now am just feeling tired, and have to kick myself sometimes to get things done
but what the heck, it's better than smoking eh
Keep it up now, and like the others have said, it's a 12 week course, so please stick with it
Good luck, Pete
Hi Buildermk and well done on embarking on your quit journey. Blimey, you get up early - I guess that's cos you must be a builder.
Come and join the chat later and that will help keep you focussed.
Good luck, Andi
Hi mate, how's it going. I'm at the end of my 4th week of champix and it's going really well.
I felt really tired and miserable (low/lethargic) for my first two weeks with a headache now and again. Although... (And funnily enough) the minute I gave up the fags (ex 30 a day) on day 12 it all went away and I started feeling great - no more side effects. This meant I was able to positively try to avoid the habit part and deal with 'those situations' I usually found my self in every week. I have one of those addictive personalities ( where the body acts/reacts and makes the decision for you before any doubt crossed your mind to question what the hell you're doing! Lol!). If I knew I only had one fag left for the next day, I'd be driving to the service station at 1 in the morning to get some! (Shaking my head on the way back telling myself how daft that was... While sparking up a fag of course!)
Everyone is different though, but I realised that it was actually the fags making me feel totally shitty! Once the champix started blocking that huge nicotine hit and blissful dopamine release, you're body starts to let you feel what is hidden in your fag - the wonderful effects and tastes of the the other 4000 odd chems being masked by that nicotine hit.
I need to stress how important it is to have food with them though. no food equals big nausea'. Even a banana in the morning works with a cuppa ( this was a struggle at first as it had always been two cups of tea and two/three fags before driving to work in the morning for 14 years!)
This is my third try in quitting, but I must say it has been the most successful. Give it time and a bit of belief in the champix mate, it does get better. Especially when you are removing the nicotine completely from your body rather than replace it with another form of nicotine - NRT. That's the only thing other than the habit keeping you on them. I suppose it's also better than paying a company nearly 50 quid a week to kill you slowly!
I used to lift £20 out of the cash machine every day - 2 packs of fags (fiancé smoked too), bottle of juice and the rest on my lunch at work.... Over the last two weeks the wallet has been left in the house - packed lunch all week is lucky to have cost £15/£20 - and that's covered three of us!!
Apologies for my rant guys, but I've now started to get to that stage where i 'forget that I ever smoked' most of the day now. I hope you do too. Two weeks of blue tabs and off the fags, then you'll settle ;0)
Keep up the good work!
Hi cooldrummer and welcome to our community. Lovely post there and great that you are doing so well and are so positive. I think that's amazing the amount of money you're saving - I always used to say that one day's lunch bought in the local sandwich shop would pay for some lovely ingredients to make your own for a week but even better that one day's fags is paying for 3 lunches for a week. Do you have a plan for all this money your saving?
Keep up the good work, Andi