Hi everyone hope all is well and had a lovely Easter,good news still off the fags ,need some help the roof off my mouth is so sore did anyone else get this if so how long does it last ??
Sore mouth : Hi everyone hope all is well and... - Quit Support
Sore mouth

My husband gave up cigs with me and he suffered up to last week with ulcers on roof of mouth and tongue. He used bonjella, mouth wash and salt water. They appear to have disappeared now.

I went through a really painful mouth which is just easing ip now one minth on.
I have been using corsodyl daily toothpaste and mouthwash.
someone posted a helpful comment for me about how we start to lose all the burnt skin in our mouths during the first weeks. my mouth is now emerging anew. warm salt water also helped.
good luck

Hi Bevie and a big WHOOPY DOOPY DOOOOOO 5 weeks quit nowwwww, just loving it gal
Bev, you just think about it, when you smoked, you smoked through your mouth !! sooo, your gums, tongue and mouth sort of build a resistance, a coating up to combat it and now your not smoking, they dont need this resistance, coating any more, so they get rid of it !! now your left with a sort of babies mouth !! sooo, it will soon get hardened off to your NEW SMOKEFREE way of life xx
Hi Bevie, well done on your quit, yes it's a common side effect, me too . Warm salt water helps

Have had a nightmare with necrotising gum disease and still have swollen gums and painful mouth (now had for 5/6 weeks)/