Did anyone experience sore throat and nasal congestion? If so what did you do to releive the symptoms?
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Sore throat, nasal congestion

good Morning Kim--Yes I do--but I think some of it is from pollen in air--I also have periods of wheezing--which are really aggravating--I get nasonex from DR for my nose but you can get nose spray over the counter too or just plain saline spray---I use visine for eyes and suck on cough drops--Not those awful mentholated ones--just like cherry Ludens--HUgs MmeT
P.S. it never lasts all day or anything just like an hour or two

Drink lots of water and I used saline nose spray. Your body is healing, all over. You will cough, when it's getting all the nasty break up out of your lungs. You may have sore mouth and gums. My worse side effect was sleeping. I'm way past it now, but I remember it was horrible. The sleeplessness and then when I would sleep, the vivid bad dreams. It's crazy. But TRUST - it does get better!

Aww Kimberly, I so remember that..my throat was on absolute fire..I just sucked on throat lozenges as that eased it for me..This was one symptom of recovery that did pass pretty quickly 👍👍👍👍😀😀👍👍