I have been using an e-cig since I stopped smoking over a month ago. My tongue recently has been red and sore. Does anyone know if this is normal and what I can use for the discomfort.
Sore Tongue: I have been using an e-cig since I... - Quit Support
Sore Tongue

Welcome Wendy and congrats👏🎉🎉🎉🎉 one month is just fabulous ... The worst is over..... I've not used e-cigs before but it sounds like your tounge is having a reaction / allergic reaction.... Have you tried nicotine gum or spray.... Maybe stop it for a week and get another NRT and see if it settles down
All the best 👍🏻

Hi Wendy and a warm welcome to Quit support.
Congratulations on your month quit - Sensational
Mouth troubles and a common part of the recovery process, especially tongue and gum issues .
Have you changed the liquid in your e-cig that could be contributing to the soreness:?
I have not used the e-cig so am not much help there, but hopefully members that do use one will respond
Do have a ready of the pinned posts to the right as there is lots of info on what to expect as part of the recovery process
Can you please let us know your quit date so we can add you to our wall of winners
Keep up the great quit you have going
Hi well done on one month quit. I have used the ecig I used bubble gum flavour and I found no problem with it. But I have heard that has happend to some people using it. You might need to change to something else. Take care x

Hi Wendy1105, and a big warm welcome to our quit support community WOW, look at you, over a month quit now
You will see a 1 Month Winners badge after your name now but if you could please let me know your quit date, then I can keep your Winners badge upto date
We have a mantra on here - NOPE - Not One Puff Ever you just remember that and you wont go far wrong eh
I see you've had some great advice and like Glolin has said, mouth troubles are common in the early stages of our quit's
Maybe it would be a good idea to change your e-cig for another NRT product for a few days and just see if your tongue gets better ermm, if its the hand to mouth thing you like about the eicig, then perhaps try the Inhalator
this is a little plastic ciggie to which you put nicotine cartridges into
BUT, this gives you that kick of nicotine when you need it, but does not have any vapour
Just a thought
Wendy, we have a mantra on here, NOPE, Not One Puff Ever
Take care now and good luck and dont forget we are all here to help you

Thank you all for the help. I am going to change liquid and see if that helps. It does feel better this morning.
My quit date is February 14, 2016. When I decided to quit it was like losing my best friend after smoking for27 years but every day gets easier
Thank you Wendy, I now have you well and truly logged into our data base
As for you changing the liquid in your e-cig, ermmm, some months ago now, a member on here said that the e-liquid was made up of 3 parts
Base liquid.
I am sure he said, there are 2 base liquids and one was a vegetable based one
So maybe ask your supplier about this
I hope you get it sorted
Goodmorning Pete☕️☕️☕️
How are things? Droopyj is 2 years today !!! Wow
Dolly and me are wondering if you're getting our 6 month badges shined up for this coming Tuesday 😎😎👗👛🌂👠🎖🎖
You're awesome and Thankyou for all your support.... Never could have made it this far without ya🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟✨✨✨✨
Good morning Arizona
Yep, I am in the proses of working out the where abouts of your 6 month Winner badges sooo, I can seek, catch and polish them at the same time for ya's
Rite, ave got to get up them apples and pears and get some flippin kip
soooo, I will love ya and leave ya
BUT i will be back
Have a lovely day now Arizona
As long as you come back😂😂😂

Well done Wendy on your great quit👍🏼 I see you've got lots of good advice already and it's worth trying warm salt water mouth rinses or corsydl mouthwash. Both are good for healing. Good luck😊