Never felt so ill sore throat painful legs ibs is this normal 18'days smoke free
Feel ill: Never felt so ill sore throat painful... - Quit Support
Feel ill

Hi Teeny, its lovely to see you
Massive congratulations to reaching your 18 days quit
and I hope your feeling very PROUD of yourself
Hmmm, for some reason, some of us in the early stage of our quit journey seem to get the - quitters flu soooo, your not alone with that
It only lasts a few days, its just our bodies readjusting to our new lifestyle
BUT, saying that, if you have any doubt, please consult your GP eh
Take care now and keep warm
Thanks going to bed now with some paracetamol x
It's really hard to get on this page I's there a phone app
Teeny, the Health Unlocked tech team are upgrading this forum at the moment, sooooo, I think we are all experiencing a problem or 2 eh
I will find out about the app and let you know
Teeny, your doing ever sooooo well
so please keep focused on your quit and remember NOPE - Not One Puff Ever
Hi Teeny 😃
There's an app coming soon for iPhone user, and I would assume for android phones.
Hope you feel better soon, I'm in bed with the cold 🤒🤒 I was lucky when I quit no sore throats, no coughing but making up for it now 😷😷
I have IBS as well and found I was constipated for months after my quit it was horrible, bloated and swollen stomach and so tired but suffering from insomnia. Not pretty 😱
Everyone's quit is different but as Monky said you should be very proud of yourself 👍👍👏👏
Hang in there it does get easier 😃
Good evening Shanti
I'm soooo sorry you have a cold
soooooo, am sending lots of warm cuddly get well soon huggs your ways
Take care now
Get well soon Shanti and get that hubby to look after ya😉 you need to rest and relax and you can tell him I said so😂
Awww shanti, hurry up and get well soon hun.... Hubby's credit cards are having (lack of) withdrawal symptoms 👍😊😊😊

14 days free and I have a thumping headache, cramp in legs and feel like......well you know what! Rest, rest and more rest if you can. It seems to be quite a common phenomenom. Smoked for over 40 years myself although not heavily so suppose I can't complain.
Hey Sandra_Dee 👋
Sorry to hear you're not feeling great, remember your fluid intake this might help with your headaches and cramps.
You're doing great 14 days quit
Well done 👍🎉👏
Agree totally, thanks for the reminder re extra water. No cough...mind you I never did when I smoked but I have read the sneaky manufacturers put an 'anti pertussif' cough supressant in the things nowadays.Also some kind of anti depressant.....gone are the days when our aunties etc.smoked good old tobacco. It's all the extra chemicals to keep us hooked! Almost caved in today but didn't. no intention of going back either.
Great you stayed strong today Sandra_Dee 👍
I know all the chemicals they sneak into tobacco it's frightening mind you don't know if there's such a thing as good old tobacco but I know what you mean. These huge tobacco companies have a lot to answer for 🤔
Omg that's crazy what they put in cigarettes!!!!!!!! They're killing people.. Thanks for that reminder and keep up the great quit and attitude xx
Hi ya Sandra_dee and a big warm welcome to our quit support community
Its lovely to meet you Sandra
and a great big WHOOP WHOOP to ya for reaching 14 days quit, am loving it
If you could please let me know your quit date, then I can add you to the Wall of Winners and award you with a Winners badge after your name
As I have just said to Teeny64 above, this is pretty normal at your stage of your quit journey, but, but, if you have any worries then please consult your GP
Sandra, when we quit smoking, our bodies go through a vast change cos its not just nicotine its getting rid of, but its all those other toxins that come with it
over 4000 of them
Soooo, please be patient eh

Hi monky,
14 days more or less to the hour. Thanks. Am on a rural campsite in france so hardly know what day it just decided enough was enough. No going back.

Hi Teeny, sorry you're feeling bad☹️ Congratulations on 18 days quit, awesome👍🏼
Hang in there as this will pass and you'll start to feel a bit better💐

Hi Teeny and Sandra, can't say more than the rest of the guys but as they say in recovery circles 'this too shall pass'. On that subject, watch out for HALT! Hungry Angry Lonely Tired-they can be trigger times so check in with yourself to see what needs your attention. Do you need to eat? Bash a pillow?!! Phone a mate or have a well earned snooze? Get to know yourself again without the smokescreen and lurvvvve yourself! 💕💞💝💘💖💖💕much love Poll X