4 months quit after 36 yr smoker ...Dr's say lungs sound awesome...but so short of breath...anyone know why.... after 4 months I thought I would feel somewhat better. ...I feel down right horrible.......I don't want to light up but darn this is so depressing to feel like this
Never want to light again : 4 months quit after... - Quit Support
Never want to light again

Hiya Nana and welcome to quit support😊
Congratulations on 4 months quit, great achievement so well done to you👏🏼👏🏼
SOB can be quite a common side effect unfortunately☹️
If your doc is happy with your lungs, that's a good sign👍🏼
There are some good breathing excercises on the right under pinned posts and there is abdominal breathing used in yoga which can be very helpful as well. Our bodies take time to heal and feel the benefits but we have to be patient with ourselves. Our mantra is NOPE not one puff ever🚭
Have a good look around the site as there are other members who have suffered with this and I'm sure will pop along with some more answers for you😊

Hi Nana14, its lovely to see ya and a big warm welcome to our quit support community And a massive big WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP to ya toooo, 4 months quit gal
Please, please let me know your quit date
then we can add you to the Wall of Winners and keep your Winners badge upto date
Nana, I'm sorry, but we are all different in mind and body, therefore we all have our own symptoms and lengths of times to when these subside You have done the best ever thing for your body, that is to quit smoking
You say you have smoked for 36 years, sooo, PLEASE PLEASE be patient eh
and dont you flippin dare light up gal, cos you will have Mr flippin Monky deal with seeee
Nana, just wandering some of our members who are also SOB, have got inhalers from their GP's to help them get through this tough time and one of these may help you toooo
Just a thought Nana
Please keep intouch and NOPE, Not One Puff Ever
Hey monky, thanks. Yes, I do have an ventolin inhaler, but it doesn't seem to do anything. ...tomorrow, Feb 16th, will make my 4 month date. I am so proud of myself and you do not have to worry about chasing me if I light up. I have no desire for a cigarettte. Matter of fact, I stay away from ppl that do for now because it stinks. Wow, and I use to smell that way. And what I've been through in these 4 months would be STUPID to light up again. I have my first and new grandbaby to live for and I finally realized that I want to watch her grow.
Nana, that is just flippin ACE gal
and am loooooving every word
I will put your quit date down as the 16th October 2015 if its wrong, then ya got to chase me and slap the backs of my legs seeee 1 word of warning, I may enjoy it
Nana, you are doing just flippin great gal
soooo, dont ya be a stranger and keep us posted
Get your vitamin levels checked--I quit after 53 years and have felt nothing but horrible since--Found out I am vitaminb12 and D deficient so far--I can breathe deep but my body is not getting enough oxygen due to the b-12--deficit--and it makes me short of breath--its an odd feeling.Breathing tests are normal. I also get dizzy and heart palps off and on--I am taking b-12 now and feel a little better but takes a while to get better--I am to see dr again in 3 mos--but may go in sooner as i cant hardly stand this or if it gets worse--Dr tested at my suggestion --you may want to do the same...Good luck--keep me posted MmeT

Thank you. Just recently started the B vitamins and magnesium. Hoping you feel better soon.
I hear ya nana14,
I'm short of breath climbing stairs... I was hoping my endurance would improve....... One day after taking a medication for my thyroid I climbed those stairs easily but then the med made me sick so back to square 1.... Just listen to the senior quit people..... I just wanted to say hello and welcome you if you are new to this site..
Arizona ☀️

If u re really feel that rough go back to doc, they should be able to help you, maybe if is the crave of a smoke they might give uou those patches or you could try to put a cigarette/ rollie in your mouth but not light it up! Just see how it goes and good luck