4 months quit after a 36 year pack a day smoker....quit cold turkey..Dr's say lungs sound awesome...breathing test done by pulmonologist, says a little lung function lost..not much.......question is...why am I always short of breath and NEVER in the 4 months did I cough up the brown crap everyone talks about.......never want to light up again..no desire to...but never knew I'd feel like crap quitting.
Never want to light up again: 4 months quit... - Quit Support
Never want to light up again

I've replied to you on your other post in case you're not getting notifications😉
Hiya nana😊 Firstly welcome to the quit family😊 Secondly congratulations on 4 months quit and cold turkey too 😊😊😊
Each quit is different but some people suffer with shortness of breath once they've quit. If your worried then please make sure you mention it to your GP.
Also I have never coughed anything up and I smoked for a similar time to you so please don't worry about this🙂
Unfortunately we have been abusing our bodies with over 4000+ toxins every day. It takes a while for our bodies to kick all that crap out of our bodies but it will get better I promise 🙂
Have a good mooch around the site especially the pinned posts. If you want to know anything please ask and good luck with your quit 😊😊

Hi Nana, congratulations on your quit. I stopped 21 weeks ago and never coughed anything up either. I'm still waiting for the gunk to start choking me. I still get strong cravings that just pop up and attack, every once in a while. I can't ever see myself smoking again and yes those first few mths are CRAP. 😉
I guess that you're lungs are still healing, keep up the good work!!
nana--how are you?? MmeT?

Doing well i guess....6 mths & 1 and a half weeks non smoker, most days I feel like shit.....I thought it would get better...only gets worse.....no health problems according to the dr except asthma, well that asthma keeps kicking my ass. Hard to breathe here in South Louisiana, but I have no desire for a cig at all.........and, how are your days?

Hi Nana14. I was smoking for 7 years and I'm only 23 and even tho my lungs sounded fine i couldn't barely walk a few yards without running out of breath. When quitting because of your body is going through changes you will have sudden chest pains, shortness of breath. also hard to breve. Ive had it mines eased off tho.