Hi all ☺☺well just finishing day 19 as a non smoker yaayyyy lol well thats wot i like to call myself anyway. Still on champix as this time round gonna definately finish the course, and using ecig when need to. Only thing is i swear the cravings are getting worse!!!! And omg am i eating, ive never ate so much in years!!! Can someone please please tell me the hunger pangs ease off as im gonna be as big as a bus soon lol. Well gonna try getting a sleep although thats another thing thats gone bit haywire as well, but still pleased as punch, day 20 here i come xx
Feeling good: Hi all ☺☺well just finishing day... - Quit Support
Feeling good

Way to go! I haven't gone through the weight gain phase yet.......I'm in day 9 now... You're doing really good. Someone said on this site to drink water and eat carrot and celery sticks. All the best🍀

I hope it works for you. Day 19 and the carvings are getting worse? I went cold-turkey and am on day 6. Still getting cravings but less and less in both number and severity.
Anyway, I hope the champix and ecig works for you but if not, don't lose hope. You can go cold-turkey and at least for the foreseeable future, that is what has worked for me. After day 3 it gets much easier rapidly.
Hay Reyter and welcome to quit support 😊
Congrats on 6 days cold turkey, well done to you😊x

Hiya Jfty, the sleeping will improve and well done on 20 days quit😊
We tend to eat more when we quit so chewing gum can help and sipping lots of water.
Have plenty of healthy snacks ready and if you can manage to do a bit of exercise, it really helps. Keep going it will get easier😊x