Hi I have been a smoker for the last 15 years, and recently I have decided to stop. I keep having problems breathing I get very short of breath very quickly and struggle to get my breathe. I have been to see my gp and they have said it was my anxiety causing me problems and my chest was clear. But I still am finding it difficult to breathe
Problems breathing : Hi I have been a smoker... - Quit Support
Problems breathing

Hiya moonwilliam and welcome to quit support😊
I'm sorry to hear you're struggling with sob and it was good to get the all clear on your chest and at least know what is causing this. We have some very good breathing techniques which will help you and they will enable you to slow down your breathing. Anxiety can be increased when quitting but some of our members have experienced this and I feel sure they will be able to help you. May I ask you when you started your quit and if you are using any nrt, as this will enable us to help you more😊x
Hi thanks for your reply, I started my quit about a week ago I am not using any nrt. Also I do suffer badly from a gastrol re flux due to my meds and sometimes it too makes me sort of breathe but since stopping smoking it has got worse. My doc gave me a inhaler to see if it helps but it not making any difference
Congrats on your 1 week cold turkey quit, awesome👍
Unfortunately some meds can cause that alright. Remember what you're doing is brilliant and your body does go through a big change when quitting. Our minds also have to adapt to the change as well, which is pretty challenging at times. Things tend to get worse before they get better and quitting can throw different side effects at us. The one thing I can say is most of these things pass. Please try the breathing techniques as this has really helped many members. Try and stay calm although I realise that's easier said than done. You're gonna get through this and you're gonna feel so much better😊x
Can you give me the link to the breathing techniques please
Sorry I tried to get it for you but my mobile isn't doing it so if you search breathing excercises it will pop up or maybe someone else can bump it up for you if ya have any problems finding it, please let me know😉X
The breathing techniques are really good and got me back into feeling in control and less breathless. Hoping they work well for you too. It should make you feel calmer taking them gently. Good luck moonwilliam hope it eases.

Hi moonwilliam and a big warm welcome to quit support.
Congratulations on giving up smoking and doing it cold turkey
Briar has given you some great advice on the breathing exercises, these will help you.
I will just add one wee thing and that is out little mantra NOPE = Not One Puff Ever this too has helped many of us
What was your actual quit date - then I can add you to the wall of winners
Hi Moonwilliam Yes do use the Breathing exercises, I'm still using them especially when I go to bed.
Take Care, Stay Strong.

It's reasonable to expect that quitting, particularly cold turkey will cause a degree of anxiety & with that laboured breathing. The nicotine withdrawal symptoms will dissipate in the next week or so. In the meantime, try this, it's working for me....lie down or sit in a recliner with the lights dimmed. Put on some relaxation type music eg
youtube.com/watch?v=30daGH-.... There's heaps to choose from on youtube.
Just let yourself sink down & relax. Breath slowly in through your nose & out through your lips. Try to think of nothing but your breathing & relaxing.

Hi is it normal to get stomach cramps with stopping smoking
Hiya moonwilliam, yes I'm sorry to say that quitting can play havoc with your digestive system initially but it will settle down in a bit. It's amazing really that our bodies become so used to smoking, that it causes such a variety of side effects when we stop. It really is all part of your healing although at times it doesn't seem like it. Hang in there and these side effects will pass😊x

Hi like Brairwood has said stopping can create havoc with our bodies. For me it is a total lack of energy, but it is worth it in the long run. Hope that you symptoms settle down soon. Take care this is one journey that we all should see through to the end x
Mist admit I've had a lovely night away, and just thought I'd check in. I'm on another forum, couck to 5K, and someone had wondered if it was normal for their toenails to fall off!!!!
Just goes to show, whatever we change, we can expect some alarming results at first. I hope your toenails aren't falling off too ?!!
Any change brings changes. Wonderful that we can adapt and accept, as long as we know we're not the only ones. And we certainly aren't. All the positives, that's what we need to focus on