I have not smoked a cigarette in 3 weeks, i am doing the patch for now. I have tried so many things to stop coughing. Nothing is helping any suggestions, i am also having a hard time breathing. What is worse is i have no medical insurance
Coughing and breathing problems : I have not... - Quit Support
Coughing and breathing problems

Hi Coughingallthetime and welcome to quit support. Congratulations on being 3 weeks without a cigarette
Fantastic effort
Coughing is a perfectly normal part of the quitting process. Many people suffer with cold n flu like symptoms when quitting.
Tobacco smoke slows the normal movement of the microscopic hairs (cilia) that line your lungs. When you stop smoking, the cilia become active again. As the cilia recover and the mucus is cleared from your lungs, you might cough more than usual — perhaps for several weeks.
In the meantime, you can speed the process by staying well hydrated. Drink plenty of fluids, such as water and juice. You might also increase the humidity in the air with a humidifier or vaporizer.
If you are concerned, contact your GP for a check up for your own piece of mind.
Take a read of some of the information under the topic headings as this you will find information on what to expect as part of your body repairing itself
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I am now 8 weeks without smoking but suffering with a nasty cough and bringing up awful phlegm. Doctor gave me prednisilone but had bad side effects- high blood pressure, racing heartbeat, pulse over 96.she said this was not a side effect of the tablets as it didnt say so on her computer screen !!!!!!!. I am atfraid to continue with them. She said there is no alternative to this medication so there is nothing else she can do. I am really scared. Has anyone else have similar experience please ?
Hi ya Teddybear, a lovely warm welcome to our quit support community and a massive well done to you for reaching 8 weeks quit
Rite, am not sure what Prednisilone is BUT, I do know that when you quit the smokes, you will perhaps have the coughing and bringing up of phlegm
this is normal, its just your lungs cleaning themselves out
BUT, saying that, please,please, spit the phlegm out into a hanky or something
get rid of it, out of your body
Teddy, we are all built different, sooo, it takes our bodies different times to get rid of all that gunge thats in our lungs
I would suggest to exercise if you can, therefore getting rid of gunge out of your lungs quicker Plus try to drink plenty of water, cos this will help you and your body to recover
Teddy, I know its not nice, but you have to get rid of that phlegm into a napkin or something DO NOT SWALLOW IT !!
Take care now, Pete
Hi teddybear and a big welcome to quit support.
A massive congratulations on 8 weeks without smoking
Like Pete said, coughing is a very common symptom of your body healing and getting rid of all that Phlegm is the best possible outcome
Are you quitting cold turkey or using some type of NRT and if you let us know your official quit date we can add you to our wall of winners
Hi glolin, i quit on 22nd February for good !! Had no NRT just a brilliant husband whos support i could not do without. Despite the coughing and generally feeling rubbish , i know it wont last forever. My body is reparing itself after so many years of smoking. Not going back.

The administrators on this site have good suggestions.
We all go through the coughing stage as your lungs are healing but that's hard to believe.
My lungs hurt and I coughed when quiting.
They feel really good after four months not smoking which can trick one into thinking they can have just one but NO we can't.
Smoking is not gonna help at all. Any thing can be done better, including healing from the damage, by not smoking.

Here is my favorite site and this discusses your lungs healing:
Joel has free videos and free PDF books.
I read and watched everything he had on his site and then quit cold turkey.
It's proven to be the most successful long term method but it's not for everyone.

Hiya coughingalot and welcome to quit support 😃
Congrats on your 3 week quit, well done and sorry that you're not feeling so good. The coughing as Glolin has said is all part of the healing process. The good thing is it will pass so hang in there as you're doing great and it will all be worth it 😃 x

withdrall are strange thing, I have not cough at all. but I had very bad dizness ,the dizness hold about 2 months ,the only word I can say is patience . patience is the key. dont worry it will be passed may something hot , hot cofee tea may help you....