My boyfriend just came in to visit iv been totally fine not much craving. Don't want to smoke again. My bf has stated he will not be giving up smoking EVER fair play to him I love him. But he kissed me good bye I had to lie about why I pulled a funny face he stank of smoke. I've turned into a hypocrite what can I do help!!!!
Please HELP: My boyfriend just came in to visit... - Quit Support
Please HELP

Hi icky toots, errrrr maybe get a new boyfriend😂😂😂😂😂
No I'm only joking but unfortunately us non smokers really have an acute sense of smell when we quit😷 even more so I think than people who have never smoked. As smokers don't know how bad they smell, it's pretty hard to convince them. Get the mints ready for the next kiss😏 and a large bottle of mouthwash👍 you're not a hypocrite but things are different for you now and you can't help that. Talk to him about it and I'm sure he loves you too and will be understanding and make every effort to support you💕😃x
Jeezo I could never ditch him he put up with me doing it even if he can't smell it. I was honestly ok with him smoking in front of me but kissin was BIT STRONG I'll need to brooch the subject xx thank was just a big shock to turn into a hater so quick!!!!
There are quite a few of us on here who quit but our hubby/partner/ or whatever ya call them still smoke👎 of course I'd prefer it if mine didn't, but he does and that's not going to change any time soon😱
You just got a shock but it will all be fine, so don't worry and remind yourself how well you're doing😃x
Aup Icky defo a hard one this gal
I'm with Briarwood and Glolin on this just let Jeezo know how much you love him, but also let him know that he stinks of fags too
and try to work something out between the two of you eh, maybe you give '' HIM'' a couple of mints or the mouthwash before he kisses you goodnight
Icky, I ask you please not to get onto him toooo much, cos he will just smoke even more if you do eh just let him know how you feel and how well your doing
Good luck

Hi icky toots,
It is a hard one, but you don't want to offend your boyfriend either. Like briar said, have a talk to him, and explain how your feeling as he wouldn't realise how much he stinks 😫😫 it's not till you quit that you really smell it.
Hopefully he will support you through your quit journey💟

Bad thing is I know he supports me I'm just going to have to grin and bear it ain't I xxx
Icky, this is your incentive to quit and quit for good
Your job now is to do a good job at quitting, if you see what I mean You show Jeezo that you CAN quit and although its hard, it can be done
even by a mere Woman
I know its early days for you yet, but let him know how better you feel, how better you smell, etc
but dont moan
just sort of little digs here and there eh
Please just give it a bit of time and you never know, he just might decide to quit himself
A mere woman lol your funny he might quit I can always hope
Hi there icky toots 😄
My hubby still smokes but I don't care that I offend he knows his place and that's it 😜😜😜
Seriously it is difficult I've said before I even smell smoke on him even after a shower 😕
Like the other two lovely ladies have suggested have a heart to heart with him and explain things. I'm sure he'll understand and carry mints 😃😃
Good luck to you with your boyfriend and your quit
Keep in touch

There's an old "churchy" saying...."hate the sin, love the sinner". He's still the same bloke as he was before you quit. If you value your relationship, whatever you do, don't put pressure on him to quit because you have. By all means ask him to respect your decision to quit & not to impose his smoking on you. The was a pastor in Argentina who challenged new converts NOT to tell anyone.......unless they asked. If you can demonstrate the benefits from quitting & how much happier you are, believe 90% of smokers will want to know how you did it. If you're grumpy, miserable & critical of smokers you sending a message that smokers have more going for them than non smokers. If his smoking is a deal breaker, that's OK, but if you love him, love him unconditionally, stinky breath & all. He may never change, but if he quits because you pressured him, he will harbour some resentment which will ultimately destroy the relationship anyway.
You make so much sense I DO LOVE HIM SMOKE AND ALL I don't want to get the bad name of the nippy non smoker. With all derogatory comments so hear is to day 4 for me NOPE XXXXX
For what it's worth, there's an ole bloke down in Aussie who is very proud of you & your progress.
Hey Ron, I'm proud of you too 😘😘x
Oh my your so sweet ... Can I ask you one more question is it normal to go off your food at the start of quitting?? I can't stomach much at all just now?? That's been for 3out of the 4days iv quit? Xx
You're blessed! It's not uncommon to mistake nicotine withdrawal for hunger. It can be very easy to substitute cigarettes for food. If you are abstaining from cigarettes without increasing food intake, that's great! As long as you're meeting your minimum nutritional needs, you'll be fine.