Aside from the most important reason being health, the financial benefits are great. I have just had a lovely break in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Having something to aim for is a big incentive. Keep on quitting.
Benefits of quitting: Aside from the most... - Quit Support
Benefits of quitting

wow!!!...that looks sensational.. Thanks for sharing xx
It was. My main reason for going to Riga was to visit The Hill Of Crosses which is in Lithuania but, it was nearer to get to the Hill if i flew to Riga. The hill was unbelievable and Riga was fantastic, a beautiful place. After seeing the beautiful architecture there, i'm afraid Tallinn in Estonia, came second place.Thinking of where to head to next xxx

I keep treating my self to nice meals out - it's great to think it's only what I would have spent on smoking

Its lovely to see you Lanemorph
WOW, that looks fantastic gal
gosh, you've had some flippinn great holidays since you've been quit eh
Hmmmm, where you heading off to next
It just shows you how much smoking cost you eh
You just keep enjoying yourself gal and thank you very much for the inspiration to quit the smokes and stay quit
Take care Pete
Helllllllloooooooo Monky, i agree, since i quit, the travel bug has got to me. I have been looking at where to go next but, it depends on the available dates at work. Don't really mind what month, i'll always find somewhere to go. You don't get any memories from smoking. Wish i'd done it years ago, what a waste of money and, i feel embarrassed thinking of how i smelled. How the expensive clothes and perfume are comparable to rags when you smoke.
I'll post a pic when i go on my next jaunt Pete xxx