How to quit: Hi, I'm 16 and want to quit... - Quit Support

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How to quit

Breabrea profile image
10 Replies

Hi, I'm 16 and want to quit smoking but my mom and auntie still smoke. How do I quit with them smoking? Oh and my mom does not support my smoking. As long as I get my own smokes. She doesn't say anything. But I want to stop but it's so hard. Any suggestions??

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Breabrea profile image
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10 Replies
jim224488 profile image
jim22448834 Months Winner

Hi Im glad you've come on here for support. What you will find is a lot of people who are now in a battle, concerned over our health and realising we have been slave to an incredibly silly habit that serves no purpose other than to make you ill and take £40,000 off you.

All you are getting is a 2minute buzz from a load of chemicals. You will slowly need to keep topping that up a few times a day. Then every few hours, until you have to smoke 20 a day to keep that level up.

It will make you a slave and at some point in 5 10 or 20 years you will have to go through a long drawn out process to stop.

If you need NRT patches gums then get them, but you are at the very early stage of an addiction that wiil serve you no purpose in life.

Read some of the stories on here. And keep coming back for our support.

Jim xx

shantimar profile image

Hi Brea😀

You've taken the first step, you want to quit 😀 so well done you😀

There's lots of information on the quit support community so have a look around

My hubby still smokes and like you I thought it would be difficult but honestly it never bothered me, just the smell of stale smoke, I find that disgusting.

You're so young and I wish I had quit at your age, there's so many benefits from quitting and as Jim posted don't become a slave for years break free now. You can do it 😃

Go to your GP who will put you in touch with a quit smoking advisor don't be alone in this and explain to your mum and auntie that you're planning to quit and I'm sure they will offer you their support, they may even join you.

Keep posting to let us know how you're getting on

Good luck 🍀🍀🍀


jim224488 profile image
jim22448834 Months Winner

Brilliant advice from shantimar, and I bet you there is not a single person on here who isnt jealous that you are only 16, want to stop and are asking for help.

If we could all turn back time!!

Lead a smoke free life and enjoy it.

Jim x

DavidH83 profile image

Good morning,

This first step is a good one, the realization that you want to stop.

May I ask how long you have smoked? This is a judgement free place so feel free to be honest and open. If it's only for a year or two then that will make things easier. The longer you have smoked the harder it is to quit (some people here have smoked for more of their life than they haven't).

You might want to think about why you started. Most people start from one of depression (including problems at home/school etc...) or peer pressure (wanting to look cool counts). If it is depression, it might be worth looking into the cause of that first/at the same time.

What part of stopping is it you are finding difficult?

Normally there is a chain of:

1: Decide you want to stop.

2: Plan how/when to stop (If you are going to use NRT etc...).

3: Stopping.

4: Staying stopped.

Each step has to be taken one day at a time.

Briarwood profile image

Hiya Breabrea and welcome to quit support 😃

I think it's fantastic that you want to quit and we are happy to help you 😃

Although it's harder when others around you are smoking BUT you can do it and be proud of your achievement. I want to hug you for wanting to quit and I wish I had been as strong as you at your age 😃

You've got lots of advice from our lovely members and keep coming on here and we will support you all the way 😃 x

droopyJ profile image

HI breabrea well done hun for making the best decision you could make for your health and eventually your sanity.....(as well as your pocket)

My 21 year old nephew smokes and I have tried to get him to stop....

We are here to give you as much support as we can and as Briar said if only we were as strong as you when we were your age..... remember we have all been where u are now....

why don't you get yourself a piggy bank and start saving the cigs money, that way you can treat yourself to something nice at different milestones throughout your quit 😁 that's what I have done and it paid for a three week holiday 😁😁

Stay strong and keep the faith, you will succeed hun 😁😁

glolin profile image

Hi breabrea an welcome to quit support,

It is awesome that you want to quit smoking. It may be a little harder quitting while others around you still smoke, but you can do it 😀😀😀

I am sure mum will be very proud of you for quitting.

You have already shown strength and courage by joining up here.

We will all support you any way we can as I would all want to see someone so young quit and stay quit😀😃😀😃😀

All the very best of luck, and we are all behind you 100%

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Hi ya Breabrea, a big warm welcome to our quit support forum :) and like the other members have said, its just sooo lovely to have somebody as young as you who wants to quit :) :) I just wished I'd quit at the age of 16, I tell ya :) :)

Right, you want to quit, then let it begin :) I am a true believer in making a quit plan to start with :) Brea, sit yourself down and write a list of WHY's you want to quit :) perhaps print a few copies off, so you can stick them around your house :) and make them nice and colourful, so they stand out :)

If you look to your right on your post, you will see '' TOPICS '' there in blue, if you go down to '' Quit smoking plan '' and click on that, have a read through it, you will have some sort of an idea what a quit plan is :)

If you could please do that for me, then we can get you onto the next stage :) to see whether you want to use some kind of NRT, Nicotine Replacement Therapy or not :)

Take care now young un and hopefully speak soon :)

Pete :)

EmJay profile image

Hi Breabrea, welcome aboard to Quit Support 👍😉

It sounds as though you have a good head on your shoulders that enables you too make new sound choices. Choices that will help you to improve your health. Stopping smoking is the single most important thing that you can do for your health. Fact!

You'll also be able to use any money saved to go towards leading a healthier, happier and freed up lifestyle. By happier and freed up, I mean that you can live your life as you choose to and not as your smokes tell you to, as that's what happens. As Jim says, you become a slave to that little white stick.

If you let me know what area you live in (you can PM me if you prefer) and I can let you know if the details of your local stop smoking service. You'll be able to attend and get that extra help and support on top of what you receive from here :-)

You've been given lots of sound advice already, I'd like to just echo it all and encourage you to stick with your decision to stop and stick with us for support 😄

You can do this 👍

gautama5 profile image
gautama54 MONTH WINNER

You can quit and you will still be around people that smoke and you can start to actually pity them for poisoning thèmselves.

I'd get off the nicotine ASAP and not draw out the physical addiction. Three days and you are flushed out!

You are young so your brain has not totally reconfigured with psycological pathways of pleasure seeking and what your brain has done to itself can be redone a lot easier than a 40 year habit like mine.

I started at age 16 and so many health issues were created on my body and suffered by my friends that smoked and one died from COPD at a young age of 55 and that's young even though it looks old to you.

Please try everything you can to stop smoking and use what you learn about determination to do other great things for your life like personal goals of your own first job, new degree, or new flat, new car, dating nice non smokers!

Here is my favorite site and this discusses your lungs healing:

Joel has free videos and free PDF books.

I read and watched everything he had on his site and then quit cold turkey.

It's proven to be the most successful long term method but it's not for everyone.

You really quit quit quit when you go cold turkey!!!!

Cravings to smoke are not signs of impending failure, they are signs that you are healing from both the physical addiction you have to nicotine and the psychological associations you have with smoking as well.

Keep your eye on the prize and do the work it takes to get the monkey that nicotine addiction is off of your back.

The rewards are outstanding and you'll love the person you become without the chains of this killer habit weighing you down.

No way to stop thinking about them so accept that but you can start laughing at how hard your ego is trying to talk you into smoking.

You control your present moment actions but you can't control your thoughts. Thoughts can create feelings just like going through real moments but real moments are not our thoughts.

Every time you think of smokimg just stop and say to yourself what a great job you did for yourself! You are now a non smoker!

And do pity smokers but don't rub it in their face and don't let them know you pity them.

Respect your Mom even though she is a addict and show her compassion and don't get preachy on her.

You are real close to being an adult so you might as well start acting like one.

Smoking never made you a grown up but being a non smoker will!!!!!

Not one puff ever NOPE

Never take another puff NTAP

Get angry with how we were tricked into consuming poison that was physically addictive and is now psychologically additive as our brain rewired and adds extra dopamine receptors.

Over time those receptors start to disappear but that can and will take over four months so hang in there!

Good going on your life forward as a non-smoker!

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