Well confession time.....I have done absolutely nothing all day today!!! Sloth is my middle name and after a stressful hectic few months I really needed this! The good news is that I haven't spent a penny either today cos I havnt gone out of my door lol, I'm still enjoying my rest of the evening and I do not feel guilty because I really do not know if and when I will ever get a lazy Sunday like this again lmao! Please someone join me in a sloth sunday!!! Xx
Sloths Sunday!: Well confession time.....I have... - Quit Support
Sloths Sunday!
I wish. After having 3 rooms decorated last week I have been washing ornaments, cleaning pictures and furniture and generally getting rid of all the nicotine. I am worn out, have just eaten a lovely Sunday roast and that's me done for today. Glad you have had a rest day, we all need them sometimes.

Sounds like you've had a great day Sharon I've had a day of cooking, cleaning, building a chicken coop and entertaining my daughter. I'm now knackered lol x

SHARON, I just cant flippin fault you in any way or form gal cos you well and truly deserved this ermmmm, Sloth day
I cant recall me having a Sloth day, but I have had sluggggggg days, when I am veryyyyyyy slowwwwww
Before you lot say anything, NO, I dont have em every flippin day seeeee
Sharon, you flippin enjoy gal while the goings good eh
See's ya soon

Hey Sharon...GOOD on you!!!!!!!....

Hi Sharon, my hubby is just the same.