Hi everyone, it was my day off today and thanks god it watch as I was woken in the early hours with a migraine, should have known this was going to happen with all the stress I'm having right now but on the bright side ive reached the 1 month marker on my quit!!! Yay!! And have surprised myself how well I'm doing, I've been reading all your notifications, Vera sounds like a lovely lady and an inspiration to all of us. We'll ive been a sloth on my sofa all day today but to be honest I really needed that today, back to work tomorrow, well done everyone on here from newbies to 2 yr quitters,
Hi everyone : Hi everyone, it was my day off... - Quit Support
Hi everyone

Hiya Sharon, massive congratulations on your 1 month quit
Be very proud of your achievement , well done
Thank you Briar & holly xxx

Hi Sharon. Well done you quitting for 1 month keep up the good work xx
Fanflippindabisdosie what a great quit you have got going on Sharon And what a shiny bit of bling you got there, monky did a great job at shining that one up for ya..... no wonder it gave you a migraine
You have had a great month in your a non smoker and back in the workplace with your new job
2015 should hold great things for you hun

Yippyyyyyy Dippyyyyy Dooooo
Sharon, congratulations on your first months quit and many more
maybe go and treat yourself to something really nice
Thank you droopy and Monky, my shiny badge is gorgeous, now wearing my sunglasses

Hi Sharon, How about a bit of tinsel wrapped around your badge.

WooHoo Sharon...Loving your shiny one month badge and looking forward to see your 2 months
Thank you glolin, I've been in bed all day I'll unfortunately, chesty cough and another migraine attack last night, hope everyone else is well, crawling back to bed until I'm feeling better xx