I am currently having a test of will power. My 13 has dragged me to the biggest primark in history and my temper has abandoned me!! Dear god if I can survive this without smoking I can do ANYTHING!!!
How to test will power: I am currently having a... - Quit Support
How to test will power

You are being put through the worst test of all lilymay Glad its not me
You can do it!!! Deep breaths

LilyMay, have confidence in yourself gal
just keep counting to 10 eh
or 20, 30, 40
You can and will survive
I feel your pain! At least it's primark and not somewhere a little more expensive! Last time I took all 3 of my cherubs there I nearly died of shame. My daughter was shopping up stairs, the boys were looking for gifts down stairs. When we came down the escalator I saw the youngest walk up to the display model and shake it's hand - which came off in his hand, then big brother whilst trying not to pee himself laughing tried to put it back on, by the time we were at the bottom of the escelator the arm was hanging off and the youngest was near ending himself laughing whilst looking terrified at my arrival. Big brother gave it one last shove and turned as if nothing had happened. Needless to say their shopping was abandoned as we all made a sharp exit!
Thankfully we don't go there often.
My other half took them shopping the following weekend and couldn't understand why they avoided primark
Oh that's so funny!!!! My poor girl is so much more into shopping than me and was probably very embarrassed of me
LMAO...... that is the funniest thing I have heard since I asked a policeman at Madame Tussaurds where the toilets were only to discover he was made outta wax......!!! Everyone around me thought it was hysterical (I didn't....) mind you I was only 8
I detest Primark with a passion...... its the only shop I know where people think its ok to throw stuff on the floor.. grrrrrr

My word I survived by a gnats whisker!!! For those who know me you've probably realised I'm a bit of a hippy, free love and peace kind of gal but WOW, a big primark can push the buttons of the most saintly person. my temper had gone and I'm ashamed to say I actually used profane language at a (loose term) lady who tried to 'accidentally' push in front of me in the queue!! Honestly it turns the sanest person onto a screaming banshee who could easily be an extra in Withnail and I (booze, I demand booze, for those not in the know.) However, trauma averted and I'm still smoke free although the hubby who instigated the excursion owes me big time!!!
I just won't go to Primark here in Newcastle just brings out the worst in me every time.Managed a trip to our local outlet centre as hubby was urging me to buy shoes/sandals for the summer in the sales but just couldn't be bothered to try anything on.He says I'm the only woman he's ever known that didn't get excited over shoes!!!!! Maybe it's just me.I get excited over Weetabix cake at the moment & that's it. (Slimming World recipe & as close as I get to cake at the moment!!)
I don't get excited over shoes either, I only own one pair of shoes and two pairs of boots and replace them when the soles fall off I just can't abide rudeness and lack of manners. It appears that shoppers lose there ability to say please, thank you, excuse me and sorry!
I'm just about to join slimming world as I've heard great things and I've put on a staggering 5 stones since I quit the habit!!!! I'll be tapping you for hints and tips x
Yahoo,Lily treasure another weight gainer thru quitting,not good for you but nice to know I'm not alone.Happy to help keep you on the straight and narrow & if it helps at all I'm 9lbs down in just 2 weeks and never hungry or feeling deprived.Let me know how you get on & shout if you need help,I've done this before its 4 stones in 7 months last time) Stay positive hugs Helen x
Well done H....9lb off is fantastic.... I can;t even lose 9 grammes
Aup Droopy, where you bin all my life well, apart from havin a good flippin time eh
Well, you got a ring on ya finger now then or what come on out with it gal, how did it go then
Soory hun I just had problems getting on the site this week....
errrrr how did what go then???? mmmmm??????
I thought you were on your jolls gal
Hmmmm, I can see my 1 brain cells playing me up again eh
Naaaa have been off this week as been using up my leave but am off on my jollies in about 10 days time ....
can a come with ya
Pretty please an all that trollop
I can carry your bags for ya, cos am a flippin big strong man seeeee
well, in my dreams I am
errrrrmmmmmm nope
Flippin spoil sport
But suppose I still luvs ya loads
Thanks.... I luvs ya tooooo
Right am off to make me flippin bed.... as per flippin usual Have a great nights sleep
and sweet lazy dreams hun
notey note