Hi I have stopped smoking for nearly 4 months now after 25 years. I am getting really bad aching in my gums and teeth and also a lot of blood when brushing and flossing. Is this normal and if so how long can I expect it to continue?
Many thanks
Hi I have stopped smoking for nearly 4 months now after 25 years. I am getting really bad aching in my gums and teeth and also a lot of blood when brushing and flossing. Is this normal and if so how long can I expect it to continue?
Many thanks
Hi Kerry and welcome to quit support.
Congratulations on making the decision to quit smoking and well done on getting to 4 months,
I myself haven't had trouble with gums however, there are many of members who have. Some have been to the dentist and have been told it is part of the healing process. It appears to be a very common symptom that people go through as part of the body recovering
I have seen people mention 3 to 6 months before coming good but like all other symptoms of quitting it is different for all of us but all worth it
If you are really concerned, talk to either your dentist or even GP to put your mind at ease
Hi Kerry a big massive well done to you for very nearly reaching 4 months quit and a big warm welcome to this lovely quit support forum
As Glolin has said, there are quite a few of our members who have suffered with bleeding gums and teeth
If you think about it Kerry, when we smoked, we smoked through our gums and teeth so our gums became hardened to the nicotine and all the other toxins that come with smoking
So when we quit smoking, our gums become softer again, hence the bleeding
Maybe go see your local chemist and ask them for a mouth wash or something, perhaps buy a new softer toothbrush and use that for a bit until your gums get back to normal or take a trip to your dentist and ask there advice.
Kerry, if you could please let Jillygirl or myself know your quit date, then we can add you to the Wall of Winners and keep your badges up to date
Hope to speak soon, Pete
Kerry, I just remembered someone saying using a teething gel for babies helps sooth any pain in the gums...just a thought
Hi Kerry well done on being quit for over 3 months. Like Monky and Lin have said its not uncommon to have problems with your teeth and gums when quitting. Please be patient it does get better. xx
Hiya Kerry and welcome to quit support
Yes this is normal as I suffered a lot with my teeth and gums and it will settle down but I used a lot of different mouth washes and I found corsydl gel the best to rub on them as it's nice and cooling and relieves the pain
Congratulations on nearly 4 months quit, fantastic achievement
I know it's very painful and I even bought a baby's soft toothbrush at the time and warm salt water rinse is less irritating than some of the harsh mouthwashes
It honestly does settle down so hope you get relief soon x