3 weeks stopped smokingand teeth and gums sen... - Quit Support

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3 weeks stopped smokingand teeth and gums sensitive, is this normal?

ricardos profile image
20 Replies
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ricardos profile image
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20 Replies
jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hi ricardos, Firstly a Big well done to you for getting to 3 weeks, thats the hardest time. I am jilly girl 63yrs old and decided to quit back in April. Still doing ok but I dont think I could have done it without Quit support, they are brilliant.

As for your teeth and gums being sensitive , I think the answer to that is yes its normal, I myself had that problem for the first few weeks. I am not an expert but I am sure Emjay our advisor will let you know. If not tonight certainly tomorrow. Are you on any nrt as this may influence Emjays answer. Meanwhile have a browse through some of the questions and blogs that are on this site. Please join in on our chats it really does help. Also you will notice we do have a laugh too. Keep up the good work. :)

ricardos profile image
ricardos in reply tojillygirl

thank you for your support jilly girl I have managed without any patches or sprays or anything so far, did go through a lot of chewing gum and mint imperials first few days though, thought that was maybe why my teeth and gums were sore!!

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply toricardos

Hey dont worry I`m still on mints , reduced them from imperials to tic tacs now. :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hi Ricardos just found this on the web may be interested.

When you smoked, you were literally smoking your gums and throat. Your gums and tissues built up a crust just like if you were smoking a salmon.

When you quit smoking that old, hard crusty tissue will slough off and in its place you will get new, baby tissue, almost like when a baby is teething.

Only about 1 out of 30 people that quit smoking or chewing get sore mouth, gums and tongue, but if you are affected by this symptom your mouth will feel like it is hot and on fire.

Don't suffer with this symptom. It may last as long as 8 weeks.

A student in one of my Nicotine Solutions classes had to have her dentures relined because there was that much of a change in her gums from quitting smoking.

Try Amosan to relieve sore mouth, gums and tongue. Amosan is a soothing mouth-rinse. It comes in a powder and you mix it with water and rinse with it and then spit it out. It is very soothing and you will be glad you didn't suffer with this symptom.

The active ingredient in Amosan is (or rather was) sodium perborate. When mixed with water, sodium perborate yields borate (which does nothing for your mouth) and HYDROGEN PEROXIDE.

So, simply mix 2tsp/10ml of common first-aid type hydrogen peroxide (10 volume/3% strength) with 2tsp/10ml of warm water. Then rinse exactly as you did with Amosan. DON'T SWALLOW THE MIXTURE! (Read the warnings on the hydrogen peroxide bottle.) I used this myself last time I had a gum inflammation and it worked perfectly (and at a tiny fraction of the price of Amosan!)

As with Amosan you shouldn't eat or drink for 20-30 minutes after rinsing. And make sure you use a fresh bottle of hydrogen peroxide, not one you've had sitting around the medicine cabinet for a couple of years and have been using to dab bloody cuts and scrapes.

For more convenience (plus a minty taste) Colgate now markets a hydrogen peroxide oral rinse under the name Peroxyl. I haven't tried it but it appears to be widely sold across North America and no doubt other regions, and if it isn't available in your area you can buy it on eBay.

Read more: wiki.answers.com/Q/Is_there...

in reply tojillygirl

Very helpful...thank you!

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Aup Ricardos, 3 weeks tremendous pal, as Jillygirl says, your through the worse stage, but you remember to keep focused on what you want !!!! dont get like me, and relapse after 11 weeks, well i'm sure your not a pratt like i am, god could i kick myself or what !! :(

I'm on patches, but didnt get mouth irritations so sorry cant really help you there, but i'm sure Jillygirl has helped you and as she says, Emjay or Jarvo will be here soon, they are our support when we need it :( their the best :) :) good luck pal.

Pete :)

EmJay profile image
EmJayPartner in reply tomonky

Pete, you're not a pratt, you were just practicing stopping smoking before your real attempt :D

EmJay profile image

Hey Ricardos, welcome to our friendly place :-)

All this is pretty normal and your body is just healing itself. It won't be too long before you'll feel it settle down :D

The information that Jillygirl has posted is fab (thanks Jillygirl). I have used Peroxyl myself, I got it from my dentist so it might be worth booking in to see your own. Make sure you let them know you've stopped smoking too.

See what is happening to you as a positive sign that your body is healing itself after the many cigarettes that you have probably smoked within your lifetime as a smoker.

A lot of people complain that their gums did not bleed until they stopped smoking, again this is a positive sign that blood, carrying good clean oxygen is reaching your gums again. Whereas before when you were smoking, your circulation would have been very poor.

You've reached 3 weeks now and are fast heading towards your first smoke free month. You must be well made up with yourself :D

keep us posted how you are getting on. If you et me know your quit date, I'll pop your name up onto our Wall of Winners :D

neendus profile image

Nice to read the comments posted by all of you.

This is my second week of quit smoking and I would like to share my feelings and changes going on, both physically and mentally.

my gums also have sore feelings so I believe it is normal.

First four days of quit smoking I was not been able to have enough sleep, mostly 3 to 4 hours per day but yet I did not feel much tired :)

During second week, I slept almost 12 hours per day or maybe more than this but still feel little tired and other strange feelings of nausea, weakness and do not want to do anything.

Today is the end of my second week so feel better now but yet sleepy,

To control my weight, I am very careful about my diet and stop oily things and meat from last two weeks as well, only eating fruits and vegetables but yet I gain almost 1.2KG. I have no idea how this happened.

Briarwood profile image
BriarwoodAdministratorDucky in reply toneendus

Hiya neendus and welcome to quit support 😃

Yep unfortunately you are suffering the side effects of quitting but it will get easier and it's quite natural to put on a little weight as our metabolism changes. you are doing really well and heading into 3 weeks, absolutely brilliant well done. Hang in there and every day is a step in the right direction and our bodies start to heal themselves. you will then start to feel the benefits of your hard work and it will all be worthwhile. Keep going coz you're doing a great job and be proud of your achievement 😃😃 x

in reply toneendus

I can totally relate. The fatigue will pass and I suggest you simply follow your body and rest or nap without guilt :) also take daily walks 2 to 3 times per day for 15 to 30 min each.

It's my 5th week and my fatigue is fading away.

The only thing that really bothers me is bleeding gums when brushing my teeth. I had them cleaned at dentist a week prior to my quit but they are bleeding more since my quit. As everyone is saying I guess this will pass too

mssociallyinept profile image

well done on getting to two weeks hope you're still doing well but just wanted to add that I'm at the 2 week mark myself at the mo and haven't found I've put any weight on but I have made sure to up my exercise and reduce cals which I've found has not only prevented the weight gain but also helped with keeping my mind off cigs/keep my whole let's get healthy attitude on track. Sore gums driving me nutso tho which is how I came across this this thread lol how is the weight gain now 3 months on? Fully expect it to get harder to keep off as my metabolism slows just hoping to keep it the metabolism going with all the exercise

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply tomssociallyinept

Good afternoon Mssociallyinept, a big warm welcome to our quit support community :) there's loads of help and advice on here and if you cant find what your looking for, just come and ask :) and we will do our best to help you :) :)

Mss, a big well done to you for making that vital initial decision to quit the smokes :) and about 2 weeks free toooo :) Exercise helped me a lot in those first few weeks too :)

Just wandering if your using any form of NRT to help you quit :o and if you could please let us know your quit date, then we can add you to the Wall of Winners and sort you a Winners badge out for you :)

I hope you have found what you are looking for :) there is also Corsodyl, which you should be able to get from your local chemist, this may help with your sore gums :)

Hope to speak soon, Pete :)

Briarwood profile image
BriarwoodAdministratorDucky in reply tomssociallyinept

Hiya mssociallyinept and welcome to quit support😊

Congrats on 2 weeks quit👍

Unfortunately I suffered with really sore gums and its a right pain but the good news is it passes. I found warm salt water rinses very good. It's great that you've upped your excercise and it does help. Here's to a healthier future and well done to you😊x

im really glad i found this site and its not in my head im almost at 2 weeks smoke free now and my mouth is really sore but suddenly it doesnt feel as bad knowing it will pass soon enough :) good luck everyone

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply to

Welcome to our quit support community Wishybum :) and I just flippin lurve your name :D :D :D it takes me back to when I was at school :o and a girlfriend of mine sort of gave me a nick name ha ha :D :D But I aint saying no more :o

Yes, a lot of us seem to get sore gums and bleeding gums when we first quit :o but now you know why as our lovely Jillygirl's post tells :) :)

As you see, you have a new Winners badge after your name, so please let us know your actual quit date, then we can add you to the Wall of Winners and keep up with your Winners badge too :)

Keep up the good work WB and remember NOPE, Not One Puff Ever :)

Pete :)

Briarwood profile image

Hiya wishybum and welcome to quit support 😊

So glad you found the answers helpful as unfortunately it's a very common side effect to quitting. Yes these things will pass and you've done really well at almost 2 weeks so well done to you👍🏼

if you can tell us your quit date, our lovely admin will add you to our wall of winners and you'll get a lovely badge😊

Any questions or problems you have just shout as there's always someone around to help, so good luck and keep up your great quit👍🏼😊x

MazaBudran profile image

Hi All, I stopped smoking on Friday 18/5/ 2018. Actually this is my 4th time trying to quit forever. this time I start to feel pain while chewing food and this happens even though i am using a mouthwash and quit smoking. I will wait for a few more days and see if the issue continues or not, Hopefully it will go on its own :)

Callas1256 profile image
Callas12566 MONTH WINNER

4th week tomorrow!

Paulk112 profile image

I got mouth ulcers on inner cheek. This I'm told is circulation improving, 5 weeks in and feeling good, excersising more too. Stick with it. i hope I can do it this time

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