It's lovely to see all the new faces on here. I love to see all those guys out there giving nic the big boot! It is so hard when you have had that evil little crutch supporting you over the years. Looking at the poll - many of us started smoking between 15-20 (me too!) Forty years on I have finally managed to stay off those cancer sticks. I do repeat myself but I think the secret to my success so far, was to make a promise to myself that i wouldn't have that first puff. it invariably set me off again - if not the same day, then a bit later! Happy to say that 19months on - I am still not having that first puff. Don't beat yourself up if you do, dust yourself down and . . . . . as the song goes!
After I stopped I got diagnosed with lung cancer - that being another story on the other website.!! In remission at the moment, but I know the outlook is only poor especially since it was inoperable. Anyway, I am now happy and content and still using my dummy(Vaping!) But still off the fags. Keep at it everyone, keep occupied - get wrapping those prezzies up! Looks like the weather is changing - so it could be snowballing time soon!! Vee
Good morning all: It's lovely to see all the... - Quit Support
Good morning all

Hi Vee, you are such and inspiration to us all with such a great attitude. The not one puff ever is what keeps me going too. Even though i am only at 5 months quit, every time a craving hits me, i keep reminding myself why i have quit and ask if really wont to go through those first weeks of quitting again..Answer is NOPE...dont have that first puff and you will be fine
It has worked well so far
I would love to have snow for Christmas instead of Christmas days where the temp is generally in the 30's
Now that's my idea of christmas!! and yes, it does work not having that first puff! I think 5 months is absolutely brilliant - you are deffo over the worst - its those times that you don't think of them or haven't for a while, then suddenly zapp the urge comes from nowhere. It happened to me the other day!! I wondered where on earth did that thought come from???!!! Then I looked and sniffed around my house and no smell of baccy - no sticky windows from the tar etc. Then the moment had gone and got back down to my knitting( so much easier without fags!) Wool shrivels when it gets burnt - and the holes in the carpet are stark reminders for me when I was 'fag ash Lil'! The carpet is repaired but the joins serve as a stark reminder!! I have an ashtray outside for smokers, but it is unused, my puss cat seems to think it makes a good water bowl! She will not drink out of her water dish but prefers to have a dripping tap or use a jug of water I have put on one side to fill up my steam iron. just love my Moggie lol

Hi there Vera, I was just thinking about you yesterday and low and behold you popped in to see us.
Good to here your still in remission Your a real fighter and like old nic Mr C can be beaten or at least kept locked up.
You take care of yourself, and keep us posted. Have a lovely Christmas. xxxxx

Hey Vera, and a very good morning to you too
Glad to see you around, hope you are recovering well after your op a couple of weeks ago. I hope you are all home safe n sound and letting that mitten of yours fuss over you
I'll look forward to cyber snowballing you as soon as the white stuff hits the ground In fact, why wait - at least our lovely Linda (Glolin) can take part too then

Hi Vee, I agree with Glolin that you're an inspiration to all of us
After all you have been through and showing us it can be done, no matter what
So I THANKYOU from the bottom of my heart

AWWWW thanks for that - it was so much easier being a patient when I wasn't having to desperately find somewhere for a sneaky fag. I have come to learn that fags cause more stress - not relieve it! xx

Hi Vee thanks for such a brilliant post and congratulations to you for beating it for 19 mnths !! I'm coming up to 5mnths now and its only every now an then Mr Nic tries to tempt me !! So far so good !! Need to get some weight off now though ! lol x This site has been so good for me, the encouragement and tips and knowing that there are others fighting the same battle really helps . Everyone is so supportive ! Hope we all continue to say N.O.P.E. xxx

Thank you briarwood xxxx