Hi everyone, just catching up on all your posts, my day off today and I've had I nice day, after my appt with my nurse (smoking cessation) did a bit of shopping and treated my self to a few bits to reward myself for my now 3rd week of being a non smoker, looking forward to my 1 month badge I will hopefully get from you guys next week, he he, and hope some more new members will join in our chats soon!! Xx
Happy Wednesday!: Hi everyone, just catching up... - Quit Support
Happy Wednesday!

thats great Sharon. A bit of retail therapy is a good for the soul, even though it sure is hectic at the moment with the lead up to Christmas.
you are doing doing brilliantly with your quit
..Keep up the great work
Thanks glolin, must admit I only went to one shop in town, I'm the same hate all the Xmas chaos lol, I was looking at people outside shops having a fag and said to my daughter how I thought it would make me crave one but it doesn't, not sure if that will come at a later stage or whether it's different because my mind is made up I'm not gonna smoke again, do you think after I wean off the nicotine patches it will become harder for me or have I gone thru the worst? X
I am not really sure sharon as I quit cold turkey, In my opinion, if you have your head in the right place you have gone through the worst part. When i see others smoking, i actually feel sorry for them..once i made the decision to quit, not once have i been tempted to have one..I do still get cravings from time to time..but i know that i will not have one..I so love he NOPE...Not One Puff Ever...and that is all i need to keep myself smoke free. I wondered how i would cope in stressful situations. but after the past 2 days, i know that i am fine with that too.

Just a little badge to keep you going until you get the real deal
Glad you had a good day coz you deserve it x
Thank you, loving my 3 week badge!!!! Xx

Hi ya Sharon good on ya gal, 3 flippin weeks quit now then, whoooooopy doooooooo
Dont you worry about your 1 months badge, cos ave got it all under control see it will be freshly catched and shindedededed up ready for you next week
Thats it Sharon, you reward yourself for the hard work you've done and be proud of getting to where you are now, thats smoke free gal
Stay focused Sharon, cos your doing ever sooo well am rite happy for you gal
Speak soon xx
Thank you Monky and briarwood, had some bad news today my dog is going to have to be put to sleep next Friday at 3pm, unfortunately I had to book this today as I have been putting it off for 3 weeks now and hes showing signs of being in pain now, he is a very large English bulmastiff and is now 12, he has been my loyal and loving best friend and I'm going to devestated to lose him, I was supposed to take him tomorrow at 3 but I just want one more week with him, really dreading this time x

Ah Sharon, that's very sad about your dog
Hey Sharon 3 weeks quit....... whoohoo hun
Glad you got yourself a little treat today
Well I quit on patches and I just made sure that I had nicotine gum handy - just in case - for when I reduced the nic patches
I only used the patches for 8 weeks and hated the taste of the gum so have been nic free for 6 months.... Do I still feel like a cigarette??? Hell yes but these good people on here keep me slightly sane, Mr nic will pop his ugly, smelly head up at some point but you just need to bop him on the head, very hard so that he struggles to get back up
Keep that great quit going
Hi all
Long time no see
Sharon I've had quite a stressful time lately, and I really thought I would be back smoking, I really really did but know what I've never even thought about smoking at all
You've done really well so far, my hubby still smokes and I try to encourage him to stop but I don't think he ever will
So sorry to hear about your dog
Hi Droopy, not too bad. Funeral tomorrow, we held it back for family to come from overseas. Seems so long ago now
Just catches me unaware at times, I think I'll go nip in to see her but she's not there.
Things will get better and I'm really surprised I never smoked. My other sisters went out and had a smoke when it happened but it never crossed mind. If I get through tomorrow I'll be fine and will be able to get through anything
Oh Shanti hun, I will be thinking of you all tomorrow. You all have wonderful support around you, its gonna be hard but I know you have some great memories of your beautiful, brave sister
Well you know where we are if you need us -x-
Thanks Droopy
Will have a proper catch up soon
Hi ya Shan, I am soo proud of you for staying quit through this very hard time
My heart is with you and your family and am sending you loads a warm, comforting, lean on my shoulder, stay away mr nic huggs to help you today
Take care now Shan xx
Hi shanti, so sorry to hear you have lost your sister, I'm thinking of you, you are so strong to not reach for a fag at this time, this has been an inspiration for me when I have to say goodbye to my best friend archie on Friday, I'm very tearful all the time so god knows what I'm going to be like when he's gone, you sound like a lovely family, thank you for your message even at a time when you are going through so much, pls keep in touch xx