Support: Hi I am new on here. I stopped smoking... - Quit Support

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rubiolouise profile image
18 Replies

Hi I am new on here. I stopped smoking four days ago

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rubiolouise profile image
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18 Replies
Briarwood profile image

Hi Rubiolouise and welcome to this wonderful quit support :)

You have done the very best thing for your health by choosing to Quit :)

Congratulations on 4 days, that's brilliant :)

Are you using any nicotine replacement or are you cold turkey ?

If you have any questions or any problems, just come on here and there's always someone ready to help :)

We really are a friendly bunch who like to help one another :)

Stay positive in your quit and we will support you all the way :) x

rubiolouise profile image
rubiolouise in reply to Briarwood

Hi yes I HV a egig I HV smoked for 33 years I am 46 so hopefully I can undo some of the damage x

Briarwood profile image
BriarwoodAdministratorDucky in reply to rubiolouise

Well the good news is that by stopping you won't cause any more damage and your body can start to heal :)

I'm also on ecig and had smoked for 43 years, so it really is a huge help to me. At the beginning of my quit I wondered if I could do it after smoking for sooo long but if you stay determined, you CAN do it :)

I'm not saying it was easy but it does get easier :)

Just take one day at a time and soon those days will add up to weeks and weeks will add up to months :)

It really is worth it :) x

rubiolouise profile image
rubiolouise in reply to Briarwood

Thank s louise x

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner

Hi Rubio

Well done for making the choice to stop :)

I too quit with the Ecig, and after all my failed attempts in the past, I cant believe how much easier it was. I am still using it, but reduced my nic level in the vape liquid.

If you ever feel the urge to have a real smoke, just tell yourself that you are getting the nicotine you need from your ecog, have a puff or two on it, and let the urge pass. Its how I got through it, as i knew i didnt need the nicotine, but my brain was just trying to play tricks with me :)


rubiolouise profile image
rubiolouise in reply to Pinkiezoom

Yes I HV a egig I have never tryed before but after 33 'years thought it was time I don't feel like one but had a bit of a panic attack yesterday don't no y lol sold all my baci and here I am its nice to get support from such nice people x

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to rubiolouise

Hi Louise, welcome aboard this great quit site..... there is no way on gods green planet would I have survived without the lovely people on this site :)

They are THE most inspirational and supportive bunch I have never actually met.. :P :)

If you have any questions, queries, cravings or just need to shout at someone then this is definitely the place to be... we are all here to support each other and we don't judge or criticise...we might have a few mad moments from time to time but please feel free to join in :D :D

By the way... 4 days....way to goooooo :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Welcome aboard, Stay with these lovely people and your sure to be a winner.

glolin profile image

Hi Rubiolouise,

Congratulations on your decision too quit. One the many great things about this forum is that we are all in it together and going through highs and lows while on our quit journeys.

I am doing this cold turkey and found this group of awesome people so supportive and not sure how i would have gone if i didn't stumble on to this site ( Thank-you Google :) )

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner in reply to glolin

Hey hun i have to ask, after 4 weeks are you still getting cravings, i am thinking of quitting my ecig cold turkey, and wondered if you wouldnt mind being my mentor when the time comes, as i am really afraid i am going to be stuck puffing away on it forever :( I know its still better than smoking for real but i would like to be totally free from it all :)

I am currently just reducing my nicotine so not planning on a total cold turkey just yet, as terrified it makes me go back to the real smokes. But hopefully before christmas.


glolin profile image
glolinLONG TERM WINNER in reply to Pinkiezoom

Hey there Pinkie - sorry for delay - only just seen this

I will be 7 weeks tomorrow. I vary rarely get cravings at all now and when I do, they only last a minute or two. I have been like this for the past couple of weeks.

For me, its still the knowledge that I still have half a packet in the car. Not that I will ever have one, its just my way of telling myself that I am in control. For me that is important. :) I don't like being told I can't have or do something :) :)

When you make the decision to go cold turkey, you could try a similar process with your ecig :)

I am not sure how it all works as we are all different in withdrawals etc. But for me after about 3 weeks quit my throat felt on fire, this lasted about 2 weeks and then I got like an acid reflux which lasted about 10 days.

Looking back, it must of been 4 weeks was hell but it didn't appear to be that bad. I put that down to being very committed at the start. Another thing that helped me was coming on here and reading other peoples journeys as it didn't make me feel so alone.

There has been times where I have felt anxiety levels a little high and try and manage that the best I can with breathing exercises (Thanks Emjay)

But it was definitely worth it to be where I am today.

Pretty good for 40 years of smoking 30 a day. If I can do it - anyone can!!!!! :)

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner in reply to glolin

Thanks for the advice x

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to Pinkiezoom

Hi Pinkie... if you try and treat it as though you were on patches.... you do say 4weeks at the higher level then drop down by a third for another 4 weeks then another drop for the remaining 4 weeks then you don't notice it when you stop altogether.....

If your issue is with what your doing with your hands, then Emjay (I think it was) posted about having a pen in your hands instead.... :)

When the time is right for you it will feel effortless.... for me I just had a spare patch and the lozenges in my bag just in case..... I've never had to use either but I think its just the thought of having them :D

Good luck with it though and you know we are all behind you :)

yellowsnowdrop profile image

Hey there Rubiolouise, well done on your 4 day quit,that's pretty awesome.Be very very proud of what you've achieved.Stick with the folks on here and you'll be fine.I quit using an ECig and had been a smoker of 15 day for around 38 yrs so if I can do it then you can too.Just take each day as it comes and if you have a wobble then SHOUT OUT long and hard,always someone around to offer a helping hand.Good Luck,you'll be just fine.Hugs H x

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Hi Louise :) a massive well done to you, 5th day quit now :) :) A big warm welcome to this lovelyquit site and its members :) :)

Rite your on the e-cig, same as me gal and quite a few other members, very good toooo :) If you need any help with it, just you give us a shout eh :)

I see you have met some of our lovely members on here already :) and with great advice tooo :) soo please stay with us and let us know if your having a hard time, come on here and tell us and we will try to help you :) cos we are all in the same boat, either going through what your going through now, or have bin and got through it :) :)

Another thing is Louise, your only a spring chicken at 46, soooo lets keep it that way eh :) and get your body, health and beauty to how it should be :) and the best way to do that is to quit the cigs, the nicotine, and all those 4000 toxins that you breath in each time you have a cig :o :(

Soooo, you can do this Louise, you flippin can gal :) :) It will be hard for you for the first week or so, but then it gets easier and easier :) :) just get through that first week and things will get easier for you promise :) :)

Pete :)

yorkiepam profile image

How are you doing. It is five weeks today since I had my last cigarette. The support from other people on the site has helped me a lot. They are all either going through or have been through the same thing. I am using the spray from stop smoking nurse but think the support on here has helped as much if not more.

cornishlady profile image
cornishlady2 YEAR WINNER

Well done rubiolouise that's brilliant. you have come to the right site, everyone here is so supportive and I don't think I would have made it to 4wks without their help. Stay strong xx

mrssunnyside profile image

Hi Rubiolouise, Welcome, stick with us we can help you, so many lovely people on here with Oodles of help and advise. x :-)

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