Two months now and i'm happy!
carry on and remember: N.O.P.E !
Two months now and i'm happy!
carry on and remember: N.O.P.E !
Hi Dinis - how are your teeth now?
Well done for two months quit!
Hi Dinis, massive congratulations on your 2 month quit
You are doing fantastic, well done x
Fab, fab, fab! Another winner A new badge is on it's way to you, congratulations and a big fat well done!
2 Months now pal, thats just flippin great
your only a week behind me, soooooo come on lets flippin truck together eh
Am sooooo glad your teeth feel better now
Please keep posting and commenting on how your doing, and if you need any help, you come a flippin screaming to us eh
Take care Dinis Pete
Well done hun xx
Thank you all. Your messages of support and encouragement are very important. 're together!