I am very new to this and feel quite awkward opening up :/, but i need to stop, and i really don't know how.. as i do not know the first step. I don't think its possible :/
Hello: I am very new to this and feel quite... - Quit Support

Hiya Nike and welcome to quit support😊
There is no need to feel awkward as we have all had to start at some point. It's not impossible but just seems that way at the moment. We can help you put a plan in place and prepare you for quitting. There are 2 ways of quitting, one is cold turkey and the other is nicotine replacement in various different ways, patches, nicotine gum quick mist spray, inhalator or prescription pills. There is plenty of choice, it's just about finding what suits you best 😊x
Yes, i think i will go try those methods, i have tried many vaping methods, and mg.. But i actually find it makes it worse interestingly enough. But thanks for the support!!
Would you say wind down, or just literally stop. As both seem very hard challenges x
that's ok no problem, I'm in the uk, where are you? Yes they are both challenging but it can be done. I guess cold turkey is quick and you get all the withdrawal at once whereas NRT is more gradual 😊x
Well i am from the UK, but i am presently visiting my friend in Sydney, Australia x
Have a good look around the site, read the tips and hints section and other peoples quit stories to give you an idea about which replacement therapy will suit you best. this forum really does make a huge difference when quitting as its a hard thing to do, you'll gets lots of good advice here. Please stay with us and let us help you. I'm off to bed now as it 1.20 am but will hopefully catch up with you later😊x

Welcome Nike12, just know that everything is possible if your believe in your self!!
The first step is to not light a cigarette

Hi Nike12 and a big warm welcome to Quit support
Write yourself a list of the reasons why you want to quit. These reasons will become your daily reminder
Have a read of the information under the topic headings and particularly the one on Quit smoking plan. This will really help you prepare for your quit.
I suggest you make a quit date and between now and your quit date, read up on everything you can about quitting smoking and staying quit. I found having that knowledge really helped me when i started experiencing the symptoms of recovery.
I hope that you are enjoying your visit to Sydney, as it really is a beautiful place, especially around the waterfront. ( I am down south not far from Melbourne)
We have a great family here who provide support to people on their quit journey. We are here to help so keep us posted on how your are doing and when you plan your quit date as we will be here to support and encourage you every step of the way
I have gone cold turkey and I've used replacement patches.
Unfortunately Nicotine cravings can hit out of the blue years later and unless you are a stronger individual than I am you may get to try both methods!
I'm almost a week, for the umpteenth time. I am determined and I hate smoking, all things related to smoking and I can't understand why I keep going back.
This time with support I will be stopping for ever. I was supposed to be using patches but I forgot to put one on and went to work so I'm not using them! My other half smokes which makes it very difficult for me.
Maybe we can keep each other on the straight and narrow!

Thank you for the comments guys, and Danslatete definitely sounds like a good plan! Have gone 7hours without one, i know its not much, but its a start!

Hi nike12 and welcome to Quit Support, our online stop smoking family
You've already taken more than the first step - you've made the decision to stop and you've come on here to find out some more information that will further you on in your journey
Stopping smoking is the single most important thing that you can do for your health
We find that those who plan, prepare and then put in place are the ones who are most likely to succeed in quitting for good
Also, by accessing your local stop smoking service and getting that extra bit of help and support puts you at an extra 4 times more likely to stay quit
Let us help you along the way by developing a tailor made plan with you
Have a look at the following link, it's an old post that I put up a while ago. You may find it useful to get you thinking before you hit your quit date
Also, please have a read through Monky's (Pete's) post which will give you some extra hints and tips on planning towards your quit attempt
I see that you have already gone 7 hours
That's great! Try and hold on tight to how you are feeling whilst you are positive, and then when / if you find yourself feeling a tad bluurgh
try and remember this feeling
and know that you won't be feeling
for too long
Keep us posted on how you are doing and we'll do our best to support you all we can. As you can see already, we have a great bunch of members all offering fab support
You can do this

Hi Nike,
1 day is an amazing achievement if like most of us it has become a major part of your life. We see it as a crutch when we are sad, something to celebrate with when we are happy, something to do to be sociable and a little reward we can easily give our selves.
Unfortunately for 2 minutes we inhale 4000 obnoxious chemicals that give us a buzz until the next time we need it.
I want to be healthy and I want to be around to see my little 5 year old girl grow up.
Im coming up to month 5 , still on the occasional gum or strip as and when I feel a craving about to really take over.
Keep coming on here and working through your cravings with us and try and get through the first day or so. Nicotine will quickly disappear from your system.
I was sick of stinking of smoke , forcing myself to have one when I was ill , panicking at 11.00 pm when I only had 2 in a packet. Finding opportunities to have a quick fag.
Stop being a slave to it.
Keep going through this pain today. You are going to be so chuffed tomorrow
If it gets to much nip out and buy some gum or lozenges, Try them . But the singular best thing you will ever do for yourself your family and your health is not to put a rolled up white tube of dried leaves packed with carcinogens to your lips, light it and breath in
Hi Nike, Good advise already given,
I'm sending you good luck vibes, Go for it with all your might, you CAN do this,

Hi Nike, as already said this is the best thing you can do for yourself. Nearly a whole week for me at the moment.😀 I'm using the patches and they are helping a lot. Everyone is different and finding the best way for yourself will truly help. Will keep and eye out for you,well done on your quit so far take care and just remember NOPE XX