Bought four batteries and lots of e-liquids at different strengths but having a miserable day and keep crying
Bad day in 5th week , hoping that I'm feeling... - Quit Support
Bad day in 5th week , hoping that I'm feeling really crappie because of nicotine withdrawal. Using e-cigs with various problems but no gags.

Cracky my flower bad days unfortunately happen & you just gotta try and stay strong.Use your Ecig and the highest strength liquid you have until the cravings pass which they will I promise.Those first early weeks are hell because part of you REALLY WANTS to quit but your brain is still craving the cigs and you're trying to learn coping mechanisms to live without them.NOT easy but I absolutely promise that it will get easier.Remember why you want to do this,write a list if it helps,think of all the benefits and what would happen if you caved in, you'd just have to start again from day one and all that that brings with it.You have an absolutely awesome 5 weeks under your belt,FABULOUS QUIT.Please try and stay strong,drink plenty water,do some deep breathing and it will be better tomorrow.

Hi cracky, yeah some days are way harder than others but stay strong as you're over the month now and we all have good and bad days and it's gonna pass you are doing really really well
things will get better
Welcome, Cracky. Well done for lasting 5 weeks already!
Is it really nicotine withdrawal you are having trouble with? Or is it ciggie withdrawal? Chemically, nicotine withdrawal is probably pretty easy to get over (despite what people say!). You are probably getting nicotine from your e-cig but (like me) you still crave a ciggie - is that right?
It is what goes on in our brains that keeps us hooked - so do anything to divert your thinking - whatever works for you. Be creative and do something you enjoy. Good Luck!
Hi cracky. It may not feel like it cos your mind is throwing you curve balls and tricksy thoughts, by YOU ARE AMAZING!!!! You have done absolutely great and still are doing. 5 whole weeks!!! Well done doesn't even half cover it. Hang on in there, you are a star!
Loads of sound advice above. Loads of good wishes, warm thoughts and strengthening vibes are flying to you. I hope you have a calm evening, you deserve it

Aup Cracky a big warm welcome to this lovely quit site and a massive well done to you for reaching nearly 5 weeks quit
I think the others have said most of what I would say, but I think we all go through these stages, as in some days are good but others are just awful you say you have been crying, well that is good for us, because it lets a lot of emotions out that we have bottled up inside of us, so you let it out, you flippin scream and shout !! thump a cushion or something, just get that emotion out
Emjay, is our lovely quit adviser on here and she posted some breathing exercises a bit a go and this is one of them which may just help you
Cravings lead to irritation and sometimes panic, causing the quitter’s mind to speed up. When this occurs, concentrating becomes hard. Using a deep breathing exercise is an effective way of calming yourself down.
This exercise can be done anywhere from sitting down in a chair to waiting for a bus. Follow the simple stages described below;
With your mouth closed and shoulders relaxed, inhale deeply and slowly to the count of eight.
As you breathe in, push your stomach out.
Hold your breath for the count of four.
Breathe out slowly to the count of eight.
Repeat the cycle five times
Cracky, you also say your having probs with your e-cig, I am using e-cigs too, so maybe able to help you
Speak soon, Pete
Congrats Cracky on 5 weeks quit, stay with your e-cig, and as for the emotions we feel, well they will come and go for a while, I've had some very low times, but it does get better as time goes by,
This is the best thing we are all doing, for a healthier future. Good Luck.
Hi Cracky,Well done on 5 weeks.My first few weeks were bad and I felt so irratable.I was using an E Cig but being complacent I started on a low dose-16mg.Then I upped it to 24mg then I added a bit of 32mg and that got rid of the cravings.
I used an E Cig that I had been given at first and I hadnt a clue what I was doing with it really and scoured the internet for information and a supplier (As we do). I really needed to talk to a supplier about my concerns and naivity on this subject.I found and they have been great. I know what I'm doing with them now and I feel more secure with my quit from roll ups. This is the only way I have been able to stop after 45 years of smoking and for now I keep using my E Cig. I'm down to 20mg now and finding it ok but I will be taking it easy and not putting myself under pressure to quit the E Cig.
It does get easier but I still on occasion miss something about the Roll ups, However I have chosen LIFE and LIVING and I owe it to myself to stay stopped.
Good luck- Ray