is nictoex (nicotine gum) really helpful in quitting smoking?? I doubt as i saw many people addicted to chewing the nicotex gum!!!
Quit Smoking: is nictoex (nicotine gum) really... - Quit Support
Quit Smoking
Well I guess chewing nicotine gum is a whole lot healthier than smoking. Tho I won't deny it is possible to become addicted to chewing gum/lozenges.
It all depends! If you can give up smoking by will power alone, then do it. If you can't (and most of us can't) then use anything and everything to help you - safe in the knowledge that almost all of them are safer than all the chemicals and other nasties one would get from real ciggies.
Personally, I think it is easier to control cravings if you have some level of nicotine replacement. Kick the ciggies first, then reduce and stop taking the nicotine.
Hi shubhamrathore ,
All products that are designed to help people quit smoking, work! You have to remember that any product is an aid and the hard work and behavioural change comes from the person quitting. It is important to find the right product for your quit, what suits one person may not suit another. Nicotine is highly addictive and whilst it is not ideal to remain on any NRT for a long period of time it is harm reduction, in other words, safer than smoking. However, with support, motivation, will power and guidance people can wean off nicotine gum as it is with any NRT product.