well i have now managed 7 weeks without smoking cant believe how time flies. really could do with cutting down the chewing gum. i also need to try and stop getting so stresed out
seven weeks without smoking: well i have now... - Quit Support
seven weeks without smoking

well done on 7 weeks !! meditation ..wonderful stuff as for chewing gum..cant help there,how about strawberries

Hi tcc56,
7 weeks as a non smoker. well done. I used to have chewing gum, but I replaced it with fruit like diced melon or mixed fruit salad. peanuts too. I usually have a boiled sweet if I go out, it last quite a while and sooths your throat. Like thenunn says meditation is good for getting rid of stress. Even coming on this site and having a good moan and a good laugh helps.
Stay positive. your doing great.

Hi tcc56,
well done on reaching 7weeks i also did what thenunn and Jillygirl said, along with using a relaxation tape if i got stressed, it really helped
stay strong and positive your doing fab

Hi ya Tracey, am so glad your still quit gal, like you say 7 weeks already
how time flys eh.
I dont think I can better the comments that you've had from the Girls, but just got one, maybe keep some gum handy, just in case you get a bad time speak later, Pete
hi tracey, well done on the 7 weeks...next week it'll be 2 months that sounds so solid!!! am at 6 weeks now and like you have chewed so much gum it makes my face ache! find sucking tictacs helps or like the others said boiled sweets. I ve also bought myself a yoga dvd and aim to do this 3 times a week. the breathing exercises really make you feel good and cleansed if you know what i mean? its like your detoxing your body of all those nasty toxins and years of tar and stuff plus it helps with stress and my 'craving rages' are a lot less than they were..keep it up tracey we're all in this together. jane

i thought i would be clever and invested in a crosstrainer well at first managed 2 minutes i am not fit at all. well suprised myself today and managed 20 minutes on it.with stop smoking dont want to put anymore weight on and my daughter is getting married in August