Hey guys. Just something i thought id ask have anyone got bad anxiety after they quit smoking? what do you do to control it? I face bad anxiety if i go in public i always have one of the reason why i started smoking to control it use to have a smoke when my anxiety got bad need to find a new way of controlling it tbh. Just thought id ask 😊
quit smoking. bad anxiety?: Hey guys. Just... - Quit Support
quit smoking. bad anxiety?

Unfortunately this can be a common side effect from quitting☹️
Slow deep abdominal breathing is very effective. Relaxation techniques also help🚭
Hi Briarwood thanks for your reply. Ive always had anxiety in sort of way its just got a bit worst ever since quitting smoking its the upset stomach i suffer from. I have Social Anxiety if I'm around people i have a panic attack and my stomach just turns its horrible.

Its been 18 days for me
Hi ya Neicy1977, a big warm welcome to our quit support community and a massive well done to you for reaching 18 days quit
You are now the proud owner of a 2 weeks Winners badge so if you could please let me know your quit date, then I can keep your Winners badge upto date for you
Neicy, if your suffering from anxiety, this is quite a common symptom when we quit smoking There is another community on Health Unlocked called '' Anxiety support '' maybe give them a try eh
Hope to speak soon, Pete
Thank you very much. My quit date was April 10th.
Hi Neicy thankyou for letting me know your quit date now I can log you into our data base and keep you upto date
Just wondering Neicy, are you using any form of NRT to help you with your quit and how are you feeling tonight
good I hope
I had a losenger. But it made me sick. So I took it out. I'm very lightheaded. Breathing is rapid. I'm drinking water though and staying calm.
Lightheaded is also a common symptom in the early days of our quit
Neicy, if you have a look to the right of your reply and up a bit, you will see the Pinned Posts there are some breathing exercises to which may help you
If you cant find them, I will repost them for you
Hi Neicy and welcome to quit support😊
Congratulations on 18 days quit, terrific🚭👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
As our lovely monky has said, this can be a common side effect☹️ If ya need anything just shout as lots of help here for you👍🏼 Try the breathing too as its really helpful. Good luck on your quit journey🍀
NOPE not one puff ever🚭🚭😊
Goodmorning macman☕️☕️
I hear ya on anxiety.... You can get help for it from a doctor... There is an anxiety site here to support and educate people on what to do for it etc.. I endure many days when going into a crowded place makes me turn around and leave..
Congrats on quitting👍🏻👏👏👏
The dependence will go away .... We only think it helps us when the opposite is true
Best wishes from 🇨🇦xx
hi Arizonasands. My anxiety has been getting a lot the fast few days 😊 i think in general its just having the case of pushing through it.
You're strong macman👍🏻☀️ Keep up the great quit! The first month is the hardest 😊
Thank you. the first 2 weeks have been hard tbh but it gets easier just hate having cravings makes me really want a cigarette but I'm not going to have one 😊
Good morning macman☕️☕️
Every week that goes by is such a victory for me... I had a really hard time quitting for the first 5 months... But everyone is different... I just relied so heavily on cigarettes when I was down, anxious etc etc... Now I have different coping mechanisms ( thank God) never thought I could quit..
Thats very different to me i just lost interest in smoking and didn't like it no more just thought that its a waste of money and messing up my health i use to enjoy smoking so much but as time went on i just lost total interest.
That's great... Sounds like your quit is going fairly smooth.... There's always someone on site at all hours if ever you need support.. Love my quit family ... They've helped me not light up time and time again🌹
Yes, unfortunately it's a normal side effect, especially if you're already an anxiety sufferer.
I too have anxiety/panic problems, which I'm being treated for. Funny, I QUIT smoking because it was making my anxiety worse! Of course there's other reasons, but that sealed the deal for me.
Ok, so everyone is different, but the extra anxiety you're experiencing will fade and go back to your normal level. It took me about a month. But it did subside, I promise. Well worth quitting smoking for. In reality, smoking makes the smoker calm temporaily, but more anxious in the long run.
I used cough drops. In not sure why it helped me so much, but it did.
Are you taking anything for anxiety on a daily basis? I only ask because I do, and that helped a little during the first month after quitting.
Very excited for you and your amazing first 2 weeks quit. Don't give up! You can do this.
Yeah anixety sucks. I suffer from bad social anixety which stops me from going out and being around people so I can't do much because of it
Yes, I COMPLETELY understand. Its hard to deal with at times, but just know you're not alone. This group has helped me so much. The people are wonderful, friendly, wise, and very non-judgemental. I'm so happy for you that you found your way to this group. We'll help you, that's a promise.
Overcoming social anxiety takes practice... It is very isolating... I feel for you... Practice short visits with people ... Half hour coffee here.... Just don't do drawn out visits or dinners , parties etc until you get more practice..and feel more comfortable ... Best wishes from 🇨🇦

Hi Macman, I dont think we have met soo a big warm welcome to our quit support community and a great big well done to you on your quit so far
I see you've had lots of help from some of our lovely members to which I cant better, so am wishing you good luck on your quit journey and I hope it gets easier for you now you have the first 2 weeks done with
Speak soon, Pete