I was a chain smoker. one fine day I quit and today is 7th day. It's not impossible, justa matter of realising that you rule your mind. People aeound me rather than encouraging me, mock my decision calling it temporary and all. But my body is under my control. I must congratulate folks out there who are winning over their cravings and are on the same boat with me to healthy life.
Quit Smoking Attitude: I was a chain smoker... - Quit Support
Quit Smoking Attitude

hi strengthnhonour and a big warm welcome to quit support.
Congratulations on your decision to quit smoking and getting through your first week as a non smoker.
I love your attitude towards your quit - this will hold you in good steed throughout your quit journey
Does this make your quit date the 13th of June? Please let me know so i can add you to the wall of winners
and make sure you get your badges on the correct anniversary date

Hi ya Strengthnhonour and as Glolin has said, a big warm welcome to our quit support community
Its great to hear your on your 7 th day quit and as for your friends
you will just have to prove them flippin wrong eh
and with the attitude you have, I'm sure your going to do just that
Have a good nosey around the site there's loads of help and advice here and if you need some help or just want a chat, then please feel free come and join us

Hiya strength and welcome to quit support😊
Congratulations on 7 days quit, well done to you👍
Yeah you rule your mind and have your body under control, brilliant. Don't listen to anyone who doubts you coz you are doing this. Enjoy the journey to a healthier life and kick those cravings out the door. We will encourage and support you all the way😀x
Thanks A lot friends. I would like to be a support for help people quit smoking and promoting alternate options to get rid of the bad habit.
take Deep breaths and fight strongly. Pardon my verbosity,but let's make this world smokefree. (y)
Congrats🎉 Stay true to yourself............
I was a near chain smoker as well.......day 6 for me today........I've been going through a lot of physical and mental changes........fatigue, low blood pressure, nightmares, insomnia....... You name it............one hour at a time for me......🌸