Trying to quit smoking: Well here I am again... - Quit Support

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Trying to quit smoking

Noelene53 profile image
9 Replies

Well here I am again failed last time but have set my quit date for tomorrow I want to quit but have failed so many times I

Doubt myself that I can hit keep trying keep you podted

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Noelene53 profile image
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9 Replies
glolin profile image

Hi Nolene,

There are many members who have quit a number of times before they became successful. We tend to call it  - Practice runs 

Have you prepared yourself with a plan - reasons for why you want to quit etc as this will hold you in good steed when the going gets a little tough. 

The real key to being successful is two things..

1. A strong desire and determination to be smoke free

2. The self belief that you can do it.

Quitting is a roller coaster of emotions..we have to be prepared..acknowledge that no matter what we go through on our own quit journey...none of these symptoms last and when the going gets tough we..just dig deeper :) :) 

We have an amazing group of members who are always available to offer support.

Do read the pinned posts 

All the very best on day 1 :) :) 

Linda xx

Welcome Noelene💐

Keep your reason you need to stop smoking close... Even write it down ... I'm terrified of stroke and COPD.... young women who smoke in my family have strokes and there are many members struggling with COPD and my heart goes out to them... Smart decision !!!!!! ❤️🇨🇦

Maddyg profile image

Hi Noelen , well done on setting your date, many of us have tried and failed lots of times, me for one lost count on how many times I have, never lasted 3 weeks :) so don't be too hard on yourself. You can do it. I guess the main thing is to be prepared, on how your going to do it. Determination is the main key like Linda says. It's hard I know, but stay close to us and we will support you. Good Luck for to tomorrow , don't doubt yourself, take one day at a time. I told myself I'm not smoking today, not that I couldn't :)  and it has worked so far, and before you know it week one gone and so on . Stay strong xx

I also used the nhs calender, which tells you each day what the health benefits you have gained so far, It got me through the first 4 weeks. I felt a sense of achievement every day I tore a day off. Just a thought!  may help x

Hi Noelene, i quit so many times before and not once lasted more than 24 hours, but this time i just decided enough is enough. The biggest difference for me was to not underestimate how powerful cravings will be. We all have our own unique ways to deal with the cravings, but i think it is important to have some kind of a plan and tools at your disposal when the horrible Mr Nic comes along.

Don't doubt yourself, it is all up to you whether you succeed on not, and if I could do it with my track record of pathetic "quits", anybody can, just believe it.

How long did you quit last time?  

madametobacco49 profile image

Noelene--Make up your mind that you are going to do this--and dig your heels in and hang on--Some days are harder than others--but none of it lasts forever--A crave does not last till you smoke--I know it feels that way--It will let up--You sort of have to parent yourself--and tell yourself " I love you and im doing this for your own good" and believe it... Think of all the positives of continuing --There are none--Now the positives of quitting--Lots of them aren't there? I tell myself I can do anything I want --I just cant smoke... That's a lot of freedom!!I you must give up one thing--and it isn't anything nice--It wants to kill you and keep you enslaved --Logically if one can grasp that, why would anyone continue??--That is addiction--!! Free yourself--Have a little money in your pocket--breathe better,look better,sleep better,enjoy food more,have more energy. Get the cobwebs out of your head and find new clarity in your thinking-All within your reach but you must take the bridge to get to the other side--and be brave and strong on your journey...-Im selling something here--Its called Freedom and Better Health--Actually Im giving it away--Who wouldn't take that offer?? We are waiting and cheering you on--Get on that bridge to freedom  and be fearless!!!!!!!!!!!!  xxx MmeT

Maddyg profile image
Maddyg in reply to madametobacco49

MmeT, You have such a lovely way with words, and explaining things to others in a way they can understand. So well said



madametobacco49 profile image
madametobacco49 in reply to Maddyg

Maddy you are so kind -- a golden heart--Love,MmeT

in reply to madametobacco49

Love your reply Madame !

Hey Noelene,

I quit out of fear ( COPD, STROKE)  Fear is a strong motivator ... Maybe write your reason down why you want or need to quit... Best wishes from 🇨🇦xx

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