Hi, Just signed up today after celebrating one week and 42 minutes smoke free ( not that I'm counting)
ONE WEEK NEWBIE JUST TO SAY HI.: Hi, Just... - Quit Support

Woo Hoo - Wow that's fantastic, congratulations and a massive warm welcome to the site!!
Hey as you posted a 2 minutes ago, that means it's 1 week and 44 minutes now - doesn't time fly when you're having fun!
So how are you doing this and how are you feeling having achieved a whole week of not smoking? I hope you are feeling as proud as punch and very very happy with yourself?
best wishes
Chrissie xxx
Aup Chrissie
What you been up to today then ? have you been for a run or a bike ride
Yes, and no, actually I've been back to the supermarket (I gave the car a run!) to get one of those cooked chickens for danielle and I to have before she goes back - somehow I ended up spending about £30 - how did that happen??? Mind you a big jar of decaff coffee - no I just couldn't find the half and half, was £5.50 - it costs more without the caffeine - daylight robbery!!!
So what have you been up to? It's a gorgeous day out there, warmer than I was expecting
Yeah, I know what you mean, you go to buy a couple of things, but you always see something else
yep, it soon flippin adds up gal. £5.50 for a jar of coffee, I hope its the size of a bucket eh
Yep Sun was out here too, but by the time Ide finished dins and by the time my Sister left, its now gone in But wey-heyyyyy its not raining yet
Thank you for the welcome. Crazy but every minute that goes by is another minute but I think I'm gonna stop counting now or I will become addicted to that and end up at Counters Anonymous
Counters Anonymous - Love it!
- so come on which date was it you stopped? Sunday 20th or Monday 21st April?- I'm guessing Sunday 20th but your profile confused me

Aup Supertramp, its great to see you on here pal, and a massive well done for getting to a whole week quit from the smokes
Are you going cold turkey again, or using some form of NRT to help you ?
Ooops, I thought Supertramp was new to the site - Sorry Supertramp!!!
Oh crumbs, I'm getting in deeper here - Supertramp is a newbie - Sorry again Supertramp, I've only just peeked at your profile - great pic by the way!
Chrissie dearest, when you went shopping, you didnt buy some of that red milk did you
I know, I sound drunk don't I? Eeek no I didn't I'm afraid, I'm obviously just having a blonde moment! It happens to women of my age you know
Hahahaha your sounding like me now,, welcome to the freshair in the head club
Oh thank you Fresher - I'm delighed to be a part of this elite group of members! ha ha ha
I'm sure their will be lots more members very shortly haha
Cheers fella
Aup Supertramp, great to see ya back and on 9 days now pal
Just wondering if your using any NRT to help you combat the cravings ??
You stay focused on your quit now, cos your doing just great pal
see's ya soon
Brilliant achievement.WELL DONE.Just read Pete's posts so not too sure if it's a first quit or not.Anyway,keep doing what you're doing coz it seems to be working.H x

Hi and welcome supertramp, Well done on reaching over a week being smokefree. Please keep us all posted on your progress. xx

Well done supertramp your doing amazing

Hey Supertamp, welcome abaord
I seemed to have missed this post completely sorry
I hope you are doing as well as you seem to be, if there is anything we can do to compliment the advice you already get each Tuesday, let us know
You look like you are out enjoying the sea air quite a bit, how did you manage to put that little sail-boat symbol on your reply?
I'm well curious... or just plain nosie!