Today we booked our weekend break for June, my first ever smoke free yeeeaaaaa
First smoke free break :): :) :) Today we... - Quit Support
First smoke free break :)

Oh that is fantastic news Fresher, I'm so pleased for you and I'm sure you will enjoy it all the more without having to worry about those stinky horrible things to spoil it!
So....where are you off to? x x x

Well after a lot of consideration over the usual places opted for somewhere we have never been but sounds lovey. Off over the border to Knaresborough in Yorkshire ;),

Haha yes passport at the ready, really looking forward to it now that we've made a decision. Also really looking forward to be looked after for a couple of days and having a break from looking after everyone else from little ones to teenagers, and running errands for my dad,,,, bliss xx

Thankyou Chrissie, any tips on local Yorkshire customs and ways hahahaha he xx
Ha Ha Ha - actually Fresher I'm not actually a Yorkshire Lass! I originally come from Northamptonshire. But I have found Yorkshire folk to be very friendly so you should be made very very welcome and have a lovely time. Actually you are going to North Yorkshire which is completely different to South Yorkshire, it will be interesting to hear how you get on!

Oooohhhh that sounds intriguing, so theirs a difference between North and South Yorkshire folk then,,, prey tell....
well I think the North Yorkshire folk are "proper" Yorkshire - James Herriott country, that sort of thing - South Yorkshire folk, well the part I live in anyway, is more like an extension of Derbyshire, I can see the Derbyshire Hills from the area where I live, although the North of Sheffield is more Yorkshire as it's closer to Barnsley.
Actually you probably live closer to North Yorkshire than I do thinking about it, I think I have to cross 2 borders to get there as we have to drive through West Yorkshire to get there (I think) I'm terrible at geography you know! xx

Haha gona start a row with you two over Derbyshire lol, was just talking to hubby about it, we're about an hour and half away from there we think sooo looking forward to it though now we've booked xx
Lucky you but you deserve the break.Not too far from where I am really,Knaresborough is lovely from what I remember so you'll have a fab time.

Ah really thanks H, really looking forward to it x