Hi, I just joined this forum after stopping smoking for just over two weeks - need to keep my resolve - I am so familiar with that little voice in my head that can talk me back into smoking again.
16 days today!: Hi, I just joined this forum... - Quit Support
16 days today!

Hi Mariianne, welcome to Quit Support. Well done on your 2 weeks, bet you're really please with your self, you should be, it's no easy task. So how are you feeling now and are you using anything to help with the cravings?

Hi Mariianne a big warm welcome to this lovely quit site
A massive well done for reaching 16 DAYS quit todayyyyy
Yes, I know just what you mean about little voices in your head Please, please keep strong and remember WHY you have quit in the first place eh
I think you have got through the worst stage of quitting now, so all you have to do is KEEP focused, keep reminding yourself why you want to quit What you are doing this for
Emjay, our lovely quit support adviser posted some breathing exercises a bit ago, if you like, I will go find them for you, cos, it may just help you eh
Speak soon, Pete

Hi Sinfree - thank you so much for replying.
I am not using anything just no fags! I used to chain smoke roll ups - it has helped that I live up 100 steps from shop (in Cornwall ) . One week in in my friend's mother died and I went to stay with her for three days - she and all three of her grown up children were all smoking and I managed not to!!!! If I can get through that I should be able to get through most situations.
I started smoking when I was 13 then stopped for over 20 years until I was 43 then smoked for 10 years until two weeks ago.
I am feeling fine and ok but know I need to stay vigilant - I have tried a number of times over the last few years and managed to convince myself that I didnt mind smoking really and started again.
Nice to 'meet' you!
Aww, what a lovely place to live. Wow that is so good that you managed to stay stopped at such a difficult and emotional time and so soon into your quit. Full of admiration, especially as you're going cold turkey too. How do you chain smoke and then suddenly stop completely without tearing out your hair, amazing. Well, all I can say is keep it up, you're doing absolutely brilliantly. Nice to meet you too
Aup Sinfree, how you doing gal
I hope your flippin enjoying the SUN gal
Hi Pete. I'm fine. Yes enjoying the sun very much, been sat out in my new patio garden watching the fish swimming around - very nice.
Hmmm, so what you done with hubby then
well, he led me on a wild goose chase yesterday to a so called organised bike ride that was anything but organised and today he said he had lots to do, but to be honest all he's done is evicted most of the tadpoles and sent them to the municipal pond a couple of streets away and removed the bird scaring device as it was serving no purpose since all the grass seed seems to have just died a death. Gardening - huh!
Oooooooo Sinfree, you are a one gal, you are, you come out with some stuff
but i luvs ya gal
Ermmmm, soooo, what actually has hubby been doing then
Nothing he had the van to wash, a load of junk to shift, the fly screen that I've been asking him to put up at the kitchen door for about 2 months, but seems to have spent all day achieving bugger all really. I was bored. I sat outside in the sun cos I didn't want to waste the sun but I just stared into space cos I can't see my tablet or my phone in the sunshine
I get bored just sat outside. So I did a quick half hour bike ride but it was a bit hot for that sort of thing really. How about you, what have you done today.
Well, I got up out of my pit, then cooked dins, then had a look on here for a bit, then just went and mowed the flippin lovely lawns see, oooooo what flippin joyyyyyy I had
So, hubbies been skiving then, dont flippin blame him, cos its Sunday isnt it
Hmm. It's not like him really, must be old age creeping up. I think he just likes playing in his pond
You see we get lovely weather and we don't know what to do with it. Did you not fancy a barbecue instead of cooking indoors.
Er-in-doors dosnt like bbqs
Sooooooo, hence me cooking dins, in the flippin red hot kitchen
oooh, what's not to like with a barbecue, I love them, but they're a lot of hard work really so probs best off in the red hot kitchen really Oh well am going to bed in a minute. Are you not in work tomorrow, it's well past your wooden hill trip.
You do realise we've hijacked Mariianne's post here, and now she'll be getting all email notifications and will be wondering what ponds, barbecue's, mowing lawns and cycling have to do with stopping smoking. Sorry about that Mariianne, we have a daily chat for chatting but forgot where we were. You're very welcome to join the daily chats Mariianne whenever you like for support and stuff or just general chatting.

Hi Pete - thank you for your reply too!
breathing exercises sounds like a helpful thing - thank you.
I did use an online self hypnotism recording which may have helped.
Mainly it was just the definite decision and as you say - remembering the reasons.
Hi again Mariia, this is the breathing exercise that may help you
To help a craving pass - Breathing Exercise (1)
Posted by EmJay ROY CASTLE
Cravings lead to irritation and sometimes panic, causing the quitter’s mind to speed up. When this occurs, concentrating becomes hard. Using a deep breathing exercise is an effective way of calming yourself down.
This exercise can be done anywhere from sitting down in a chair to waiting for a bus. Follow the simple stages described below;
With your mouth closed and shoulders relaxed, inhale deeply and slowly to the count of eight.
As you breathe in, push your stomach out.
Hold your breath for the count of four.
Breathe out slowly to the count of eight.
Repeat the cycle five times