Well it's 7.00 am on Saturday morning and I have to say it is absolutely beautiful here in Sheffield with clear blue skies, glorious sunshine and a frost, the birds are singing, it's just lovely!
I hope everyone can forget about the trials of stopping smoking and just enjoy this day - I'm definitely going to take a little walk today to see the bluebells in the woods and get some real fresh air into my lungs, and then I'll worry about everything I have to do (it's too nice to worry about that just now!)
I'ts been an amazing week for successes with lots of badges this week, but it's just as amazing for those who have achieved one more day - so congratulations on whatever you have achieved, and keep motivated and positive and enjoy your journey and be happy
Have a wonderful Saturday xxx
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Yes the sun is shining here too in Leeds. Well I am off for some bits for my holiday . I go away 12th May to Northumberland so need some walking shoes. Not that I can walk very far, I suppose I mean sensible shoes.
I hope your all feeling fine and positive. Have a lovely day. xx
Walking is the order of the day here too - too good to miss!
Hope you find some good walking shoes Jilly, and you enjoy all that lo Ely fresh air and bluebells Chrissie. I'm going to do the same. Lungfulls of lovely air - so many scents of blossoms, it's like drinking in the wine. Enjoy!
Good morning Chrissie, Jillygirl, Betts and everybody and yep, its wall to wall sunshine here in Derbyshire too
Chrissie, I do hope the pains gone now gal, you sound much happier anyway Yes we have bluebells out here too, love em I do You enjoy your walk and enjoy that lovely fresh air
Sooooo, Jillygirl, your off spending hubbies money again eh
Feeling so so so so so so so much better today it's unbelievable! I had a bit of a strange night but did wake up full of the joys of, which was wonderful!
I've been for my walk (it only takes about 30 minutes) but I didn't find my camera so I need to find that and go back again because it was stunning! It' made me feel very happy
So what are you up to on this beautiful sunny day?
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply toChrissieG
Aup Chrissie, am soooooo glad your feeling better gal and enjoyed your walk
I'm just chilaxing a bit today, cos had a hard week, so will do a bit of pottering about me thinks
Can't fault you for that sunshine! I'm an expect on chilaxing so if you need any advice you know where to find me I'm just doing a bit of pottering myself as it happens - pottering is not hard core chores, it's just .......pottering!
I'm actually waiting for my bedding to finish washing so I can hang it outside - can't waste a beautiful drying day like this now can I????
So have fun with your chilaxing/pottering and I'll catch you later xx
Morning to everyone, Sunny here in North East Wales, yes a great day for walking, and getting some fresh air in our lungs. Here's to a Happy smoke free day,
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply tomrssunnyside
I saw a friend at parkrun this morning and she said that my pt has been plastering my achievements all over facebook. I said I'm not on fb - I hope there weren't any photos!
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply toandi22
You're getting to the stage of being a blur that streaks past with those speeds They won't be able to get the snaps for FB going that fast!
Just walked the same sort of distance thro woods and about, in an hour and a half :{. Stopped to take it in a bit. I'm puffing a bit on the steep bits (breathless, not fags) but that's OK. Glad there's no-one with me tho'! Like a steam train!
So pleased you feeling better today Chrissie. A bit of sunshine works wonders for us all,
Nice to see you Mrs Sunny, enjoying the sunshine too.
What you up to Pete? Any more direct action planned You've got plenty of back up here, what a great group!
Love the picture Briars! Warmed my cockles
Iz at the coffee again now
Keep loving the sunshine all, make hay, hey?
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply toBetts
Hi Betts, hmmmm, my direct action plan for today is to do nothing, not sure whether I can actually do nothing though
Hello everyone, joined yesterday after receiving a bit of a health shock. Taking this a minute at a time, but not lit up today, a first in over umpteen decades! Keeping busy, trying to take my mind off my diagnosis, and trying ever so hard not to think about you-know-what.
Hi Pixiedixie - welcome to the quit site and it's lovely to meet you. I am so so sorry that you are worrying about your health but please be assured that giving up smoking is the very best thing you can do.
Make sure you convince yourself that this is what YOU want to do, take the control back and be positive in your stop, it really does help when fighting the cravings. You will feel withdrawal from nicotine and you will feel the effects that stopping smoking has on the body - they may not be pleasant but they are proof that the body is recovering from the effect that smoking has had on it for all those years - so see them as a positive sign and think this is just a phase, I can get through this and I will feel better.
Take it from 1 minute at a time to 5 minutes at a time and then 10 minutes at a time, all those minutes add up to hours and hours and up to days and before you know it, you will have got through the worst and you'll be stronger to face the next phase.
Stopping smoking is definitely the best thing you can do for your health and your future, you are not denying yourself something you love, you are eliminating something that can only cause you harm and it's time to take control and say NO - I do not want to smoke, I will never smoke again so go away cravings because I'm just not interested - the more times you do that the less cravings you will get
Do whatever you have to do to distract yourself - JillyGirl on here has a wonderful list of ideas. Think of changes to your routine at your heaviest smoking times - the list of distractions will help with that - and never fail to come on here and tell us how you are feeling - you will get lots of friendly people giving you loads of help and advice and supporting you 100% in your stop, and every single one of them understands what it is like to stop smoking so you know the support is coming from the heart.
We are here for you so don't hesitate to join in but most importantly of all - believe in yourself - YOU CAN DO THIS - and promise yourself that you will NEVER smoke again. That's history, that is gone, it's time to start the next chapter and it's wonderful!
Take care and keep in touch
And big hugs are coming your way to support you on your journey
Chrissie xx
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply topixiedixie
Hi Pixie, a big warm welcome to this lovely quit support site there's loads of advice and help on here
I'm sorry that you've had a health shock and a massive well done to you for keeping off, ermmmm, the you-know-what eh
Yes keeping busy is great to take your mind off things, drinking plenty of water helps too try thumping a cushion or having a good shout !! and there's this breathing exercise, which may help
This exercise can be done anywhere from sitting down in a chair to waiting for a bus. Follow the simple stages described below;
With your mouth closed and shoulders relaxed, inhale deeply and slowly to the count of eight.
As you breathe in, push your stomach out.
Hold your breath for the count of four.
Breathe out slowly to the count of eight.
Repeat the cycle five times
If you dont mind me asking you Pixie, are you using any form of nicotine replacement therapy ??
Monky those brains cells were not cheap, and in truth I didn't know where they came from (poor packaging if you ask me!) - so you could have ended up as a chicken or anything! Couldn't take the risk - besides, you are coping okay with your 1 brain cell aren't you?
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply toChrissieG
So sorry you have this to go through, we all fear health shocks when we smoke, suppress it a lot.
Like Chrissie has already said, you are doing the best thing ever now, A huge well done! it is brilliant knowing that as soon as we stop taking that lousy stuff in, out bodies re oxygen nd that is just great.
Hi pixiedixie, sorry to hear about your health shock. Welcome to the site. Lots of friendly people here to help you through a difficult time. Stay strong, we are all right behind you x
Good Afternoon All (sorry for late "hello" been slaving in the garden). Monkey and Chrissie - hope the not doing nothing is working well! Congrats Andi on your special two years badge!
Hope you're all enjoying the sun! Back out to continue planting - see you in a bit
Hi James - I've been meaning to drop you a line over the last couple of days but I've just not managed it - sorry! Anyway, you do realise that with all that gardening you will turn into Monky don't you? #justsaying #youhavebeenwarned !!!
So anyway how the devil is your quit going? You always sound so amazing - I'm thinking it's going well - and you know me so you know I have to put this in capitals...MASSIVE CONGRATULATIONS JAMES on achieving, and indeed, passing your 1 week quit - absolutely fantastic and well done you - I hope you are feeling more than a little bit proud of yourself - because you absolutely should do.
You have done this with style and I am so impressed - just stay positive and you will overcome any temptation and every one you overcome makes you stronger - you've got this!!!
Hello Chrissie - may be a bit late on the gardening front (however, if this happens do I get a 2 month badge automatically - is that cheating?!?)
Everything still going well though it all very nearly came crashing down: I lost my wallet on Thursday afternoon and after going through all the stress of cancelling cards etc I found myself walking home in a foul mood and feeling a bit stupid. Came so very very close to breaking... At one point I'd even convinced myself that this wouldn't have happened if I'd smoked! Crazy - but that's addiction for you. People were looking at me strangely but I was standing stock still in the middle of a busy pavement!!! The moment passed - as indeed, did my fellow pedestrians... Phew
Very proud to still be on the path and heading towards the end of day 9! Part of what kept me on the path was the thought of repaying all the support I've received here by giving in - so a big "thank you!". Another part is: I covet the winners badges! Neither of these were on my list of reasons for quitting but they are now!
(I've since been phoned by the police who told me that my wallet has been handed in! Fortune favours the nicotine free?)
How is everything with your quitting journey? - I hope its going well! Red milk o clock?
I knew it, you are turning into Monky already - after 1 day of gardening!!! No you can't have your 2 month badge early - but nice try Mr!!! Has he been training you by the way?
I'm really really sorry, but actually it's because I understand exactly how you were feeling - but that 2nd para made me laugh out loud! - Oh my goodness that is hilarious - well we can laugh now that you got your wallet back - but honestly I can just picture you standing in the middle of the pavement with all this stuff going through your head - fighting with your trigger being stared at by passing strangers - honestly you couldn't make this stuff up - it's priceless!!!
Very proud of you for still being on the path and yes, I know what you mean - I wouldn't fancy confessing a slip up to this lot! I rather stay stopped smoking I think
Yup, you only got that wallet back because you stopped smoking - if you hadn't stopped your wallet would have gone forever!!! (I'm enjoying this )
Oh you know me, I'm hunky dory and plodding along nicely. Had dental work yesterday which left me in agony and I noticed I didn't get one message of sympathy from you - but I'll let that one pass this time
yes, I think you are right - it has to be red milk time - you've just made my day (still laughing at para 2 - ah bless you )
It was a truly special moment! I wonder if my facial expressions mapped which part of my brain was winning! Chuckle to myself now -
Sorry to hear you had to suffer with the dentist (woops - missed that) - hope the pain has stopped now? Dental work is one of my greatest fears. Glad everything else going well
I have experimented with a return to the drink and its OK as long as I take it slowly - it seems to hit me harder without cigarettes (weird) and I worry about getting too drunk this early on (this JD is strong stuff.... oh...)
Hi James, great going there and now coming to the end of day 9. Good for you! If you're going out on the razz tonight, just take extra care and remember to say "I don't smoke any more".
Hello Andi! Taking it easy on the old party front - especially at such a tender stage of my quitting journey. Plan to ease myself back in (a couple of drinks at home, a couple of drinks with non smoking friends and so on).
Hopefully my avatar will become as relaxed as yours with time - for the moment however... brrrrrrrr!
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply toJames_Morgan
Aup James, hmmm, I was wondering where you were but thats great pal, still on the track to freeeeeeedom am so happy for you and in the flippin garden too, I was going to plant out today, but we had a flippin good frost last night, and it gives a few more too, so have decided to leave it for a couple of days.
If ever you feel you need help, we are all here for you
Hello Monkey! All good here - though very nearly crashed earlier in the week... still on the path of the free though!
We've been quite lucky here in the mild mild south west - no frosts and sunshine all day. Great minds think alike - will be planting out tomorrow here. Spent today digging a new veg patch (I'd forgotten that earth smells). Looking forward to enjoying the taste of homegrown veg with new nicotine free senses!
Hope all is well with you and the frosts ease up soon!
Thanks for the support as ever!
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply toJames_Morgan
Aup James, am soooo glad your still with us pal
Soooo, you can smell that earth now then, isnt it lovely you will be able to smell loads more things too, erm, some good and some bad eh I could always smell freshly cut grass, but since I've been quit, It smells even nicer than it did before and when I walk into my greenhouse, I can actually smell my tomato plants
It just shows you what we have been missing for Years eh Take care now James and maybe planting out tomorrow too
Keep focused and positive on your quit, your going great guns pal
Oh yeah I left the party early last night - before the trouble kicked off! Monky and Chrissie on strike, Andi half naked! I told you jillygirl what would happen with all that drink and NO NO NO Chrissie I didn't run off with the Jack Daniels - I wish I had ha ha Glad you all enjoyed your day Luving the new badge Andi, it suits you better than last nights outfit ha ha x
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply toBriarwood
Briarwood, you have just convinced me that, although you have more than 1 brain cell, you are just as flippin stupid as I am seeeeeee even if you can ermmmmmm, do 2 things at once eh
In that case Monky must have hidden it, I swear he thinks I get rowdy when I'm tiddly, it's just not fair! Sorry for accusing you Briarwood, but you did have your eye on those bottles earlier so you were my number 1 suspect in the crime!!! tee hee xx
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply toChrissieG
Definitely GUILTY as charged - and you owe Briarwood a bottle of gin that you didn't let her have the other night as well! You are a cheeky monky!!!!! xx
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply toChrissieG
Sorryyyyy, just been to shake hands with the vicar and yes Chrissie, I have washed my hands, before you flippin start on me seeeeeee
Hey, what bottle of gin ?? I dont drink that soooo itr wasnt me gal
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