Hi Everybody but especially the new members on the site. I have an unplanned day off today and so I've been spending some time just browsing around the site. One thing I've noticed is that there are a lot of new members most of whom I know I haven't had the pleasure of meeting yet, but who have possibly joined in the last 2 weeks (as I've dropped off the list now). I only joined the site 2 weeks ago myself so I'm still a newbie, but I began to wonder why some people haven't "joined in"
I know some people may not want to join in because they are shy, or just want to use the site for information. But I also realise that reading some of the banter on here, somebody new to it might feel like they are intruding if they were to post a comment on what is being discussed.
I just wanted to say as a newbie myself, please don't hesitate to introduce yourself or post a comment or a question on here. Everybody on here is so warm and welcoming and friendly. It's actually easier than walking into a room full of strangers! Some of the friendships on here are longstanding, but they are definitely not exclusive! Never ever feel like you are intruding, this site really is for everyone!
Everyone on here has a common goal, to stop smoking and to stay stopped forever! They are supportive, informative, motivational and inspirational and the main reason for that is that they completely understand what it is like to stop smoking.
I stopped smoking a week ago today and I have absolutely no doubt that I wouldn't have achieved that without the kindness and support of the all people on here who have made me believe that i can do this! .
So please say hello and let us know where you are and how you are doing on your stop smoking journey. I look forward to meeting you
Chrissie x