Come on Wales lets beat the Irish !!!!!
Well I've quit only for 15 days but I'm feeli... - Quit Support
Well I've quit only for 15 days but I'm feeling the benefits ! I feel unstoppable

There's nothing quite like that feeling when you know you're kicking some serious bottom. Keep strong!

Hi Bronco01, First of all welcome to quit support (good move) and BIG well done on staying quit for 15 days thats brill.
If you have any queries or questions dont hesitate to give us all a shout. Always someone who will answer you . You will have to let Emjay our advisor your quit date then she can pop you on to the wall of winners.
Thank you so much !!! I'm off to an Italian restraunt tonight no cigarettes just wonderful food that is if we beat Ireland in rugby today !!!
I will watch the score later . and think of you.
Hi Bronco and welcome, well done for getting through your first fortnight.
Sorry you lost this afternoon, please don't take it out on the bottle or you'll be sooooo tempted to spark up and that will make you feel like the pits. Enjoy your Italian meal tonight and savour the fact that you won't have to be diving out in the wind and rain to get your fix. Also, if you keep off the vino you might even manage to get out for an early run in the morning. Andi
Thanks Andi I will be having a seafood pasta dish with a couple of Sauvignon Blancs !!! We were outplayed no excuses .
Well done on getting thru the hardest 15 days ever.You're doing incredibly well.The food tonight will taste even better than usual as a non smoker & no having to dash outside in the middle of your meal for a crafty smoke.Don't forget to P.M.EmJay with the date of your quit and she'll add you to the wall of winners.

Aup Bronco, its great to meet you pal, and a big warm welcome to this lovely quit support site
Hey, you say that you've ONLY quit for 15 days !! well, I tell you pal, thats just fantastic cos you've probably got through the worst of it now
Have you gone cold turkey, or are you using any NRT to help you ?? I only ask you this, cos if you ever get into difficulties, then somebody on here will maybe able to help you get through
You sound as though you keep fit, and exercise alot, which I have found helps me get through my quit
I'm English by the way Bronco, if you have any probs with that, flippin tuff pal, cos I will just set the gals on ya
You aint got no flippin chance pal !!
I hope you have a lovely meal tonight Bronco, you stay strong and positive on your quit eh
Speak soon, Pete
Hey sound brother I love the English we've fought through many wars together and we welsh do not want our independence if you know what I mean ! Anyway thanks so much . I've gone cold turkey and I will enjoy a beautiful Italian tonight in the great city of Cardiff !!! Hey I don't mind gals being set on me lol

Hey Bronco01, welcome aboard Quit Support
Lots of friendly advice and support from our lovely members who have been where you are now and some at a similar stage within their stopping smoking journey
Don't let today's results bother you for too long, sometimes a lose is needed to appreciate a win and to also help put more effort into the next big game... Kind of like past quit attempts / practise runs... We learn from them and then crack on with a mich more motivated spirit
Enjoy you evening and we'll chat soon
I'll pop your Quit date down as the 25th January on our Wall of the Winners - The place where every quitter is a winner... Any different, just let me know
Remember that you can do this, stay strong tonight

We'll done x

Thank you very much Pinkie !