Hi everybody trying to stop smoking but can't... - Quit Support
Hi everybody trying to stop smoking but can't do it I've tried patches sweets sprays the lot but I,m a lorry driver and I just get bored

Hi celticrod - I don't know if you are a reader, but I can strongly recommend you try Allan Carr's book The Easyway to stop smoking. The reason I say this is because he gives arguments for all the reasons we give for not stopping smoking such as boredom, it helps me work, it helps me relax, it calms me down, it reduces stress - it just helps us get our head straight about all the excuses and I definitely intend to read it again this weekend before my stopping day. I totally understand the boredom point though since my youngest daughter went to uni in September now both my girls are at uni and I live alone, so cigarettes have become my constant companion and I smoke more than I ever have before, partly because I have more freedom to do that, but also because quite simply I'm bored! Reading all the posts on here is a great help too - all the success stories are very motivational! Good Luck! x

Hi Celticrod,
I suggest you get an ecig, and that way you are still getting the nicotine you need but none of the other harmful poisons. And then you can reduce the nicotine level in the liquid over time, until you are completely free of all the entrapments x
Hi Celticrod, I advise an e-cig too, it is working for me, have recently reduced nick level, and intend to reduce again soon. Good Luck, keep us posted.
Hi Miss sunnyside, i have reduced my nic level for the first time, how long between drops in nic are you doing? i am terrified i crash and burn if i do it too quickly xx
Hi Pinkie, Erm I'm not quite sure I'm reading your question right ! but think you mean how long between reducing nic level ? I started on 16mg then went about 4 months and reduced down to 10mg and that's were I am at the moment, my next drop will be to 6mg, but not quite ready yet, but it will happen, How are you getting on now you have reduced nic ? It's brilliant you have done so what with all your heartache
Your a Star. xx.
Hey hun,
My brand is socialites, so measured in percentages, so I started on 2.4 the real hard core stuff lol, and i have dropped to 1.8 and i havent really noticed any difference so assume that is a good thing, I have only recently dropped it, i foolish bought some flavoured stuff....and it is awful lol, so need to get through that but will be going back to the tobacco flavour as soon as i can lol x

Aup Rod, a big warm welcome to this lovely site pal
Yeah, I know what you mean about wanting a fag when you get bored, cos am like that, sooooo I keep busy doing something I was going to suggest that you take up knitting to keep your mind occupied
but perhaps that's not a good idea eh
Write down on a piece of paper WHY you want to quit smoking and stick it somewhere you can easily see it in your cab eh
See ya soon pal, Pete
I guess like everyone else I'm definitely going to say ECig.I gave up using an Ecig without any trouble and 6 months on I'm nicotine free as well.Ecig is as close to the real thing as you're ever ever going to get,I started with the highest dose of nicotine & cut down about every 4-5 weeks.I got nicotine free in January after being a smoker of up to 20 a day for near enough 40 years.You absolutely CAN do this,if I can then anyone can,trust me.Good Luck Hugs H
I'm Helen Celticrod,just don't know why I chose bloomin yellowsnowdrop as my user name,probably seemed like a good idea at the time !!!