It feels like my stomach is turning over and I feel a bit anxious. It lasts for seconds. When it happens I feel a bit breathless so I take a few deep breathes and then it passes.
Does anyone else have this weird feeling? I'v... - Quit Support
Does anyone else have this weird feeling? I've quit smoking for nearly 13 weeks and I've started getting this weird feeling.

It sounds like a bit of anxiety to me, and you are doing exactly the right thing by breathing it out and through. Don't forget it will be beginning to bite now, your head knows you really mean it and it will throw some curves at you. Congratulations that is fabulous progress. Well done you have a treat! X
Thanks Friezfriend. I know what you mean by throwing a few curves. I'm not really getting mad cravings but every now and then the thought of just having one cigarette enters my head. I notice you're a bit ahead of me. Did you get this feeling? I also find I have to take a super deep breathe every now and then, once I have I feel ok for a while.

Hi ya Laines, its great to see ya gal
Erm, I think a lot of us get ermmmmmm, weird things happen to us on our quit journey
Is it an empty feeling you have in your stomach ? ? cos I used to get them a few weeks ago, as though there was something missing I'm sorry Laines, but am hopeless at explaining myself !!
Like Friez has said, it does sound a bit like anxiety to me too.
If you get a bit worried about it, then go see your GP, just to put your mind at rest eh
Hey, a massive well done to you for reaching very nearly 13 weeks
try to stay positive and focused on your quit eh, cos I reckon, that 13 weeks will soon become 13 months
Hold your head up high and pat yourself on the flippin back gal
Treat yourself to something oooo scrumptious
See ya soon, Pete
Thanks monky. It's hard to explain what the feeling is like. It's the same feeling you get if you're driving and go over a hill quickly. Haha I'm not very good at explaining myself either. Thanks for the encouragement and we'll done to you too xx
I don't know if you still recieve posts on this. Just wanted to say thank you for posting. I just quit 13 weeks ago and having these same feelings. Glad to know I'm not going crazy.
Aup Tamie its lovely to see you here and as always a big warm welcome to you
and I assure you, that your not going crazy
Tamie, we are all different and we all get different feelings and symptoms but they usually only last a short time
Congratulations on your 13 weeks quit, that is just fantastic gal
and I hope your treating yourself and feeling very proud of yourself
If you dont mind me asking, when your quit date was and are you using any form of NRT to help you
or have you gone cold turkey ? We can then award you with a Winners badge and add you to the Wall of Winners
Thanking you Tamie, Pete
Hiya tamie and welcome to quit support😊
Congrats on 13 weeks quit, awesome👍
You are definitely not going crazy, although at times it seems that way😂
These feelings will pass and you're doing ever so well tamie, so be proud of your achievement. It's a very common side effect of quitting although if it does persist, a visit to your GP will put your mind at rest😉x

I think you have missed the point of this group. This group is for people looking for support, help and advice from people who have and are going through the same or similar situations as each other. I added the post 4 years ago when I was in the early stages of quitting smoking! I was not looking for a medical diagnosis! I was asking advice from members who had quit smoking or where also in the process of quitting smoking. I got what I asked for. 4 years later I feel great and the symptoms passed in a matter of weeks. If the symptoms had persisted, being a sensible grown up i would have sought medical advice. Many thanks for your belated imput 🙄

Jamezgray5150, I have now restricted you from posting on this lovely forum and have reported you to Health Unlocked and asked for you to be BANNED !!
I think he was just one of those strange people looking to start a group argument 😂
Yes we get them on here from time to time gal there just here to cause trouble and with us just quitting smoking, weeee justttttt dontttttt needddddddd it doooo we
I'm just looooving your quit Laines and your one ACE of a Lady