I've bn 23 days smoke free and getting there.... - Quit Support
I've bn 23 days smoke free and getting there. Can I ask are all the people on here ex smokers?

Hi Kaz, I stopped 15 months ago funny thing is, i woke this morning thinking, i want a cigarette. By the time i got out of bed the thought had passed. People say drinking promotes the desire to smoke,, so i quit that on my birthday in March. Can't say i miss either one. Keep going and it will get easier for you. 23 days is fantastic!!!!!!!!!

Hi Kazdon22. Lots of us here are either trying to give up the evil weed, some have been smoke free for a long time. A lot of us have had to give up through lung problems like copd. Well done on your 23 days. Be very aware that nasty Nic can creep up on you when you are not thinking. I stopped smoking for 6 months then started again at a low point in my life. I had gone into a shop to buy bread and came out with ten cigs in my hand. Smoked for another 4 months and am now 3 weeks into quitting again. Keep going and you will get there.

Hello there Kazdon22, Sorry didnt reply to you earlier, somehow I missed seeing your question. 23 days is super and a really good start for quitting. Like the others have said some of us are just starting on the quit journey some are ex-smokers but we all support each other on here It doesnt matter how trivial a problem we will always help each other. I know without this site I wouldnt be an ex smoker. I had major lung surgery and the support I got from all the lovely members was marvellous. So please join in our daily chat or bob on site to let us know how you are doing.
Take care. xx
Hi Kaz, I think that just about everyone on here is an ex-smoker and that's why we're able to support each other because we've all been there. A few of us feel that people who have never smoked just don't have a clue as to how we feel and this comes across in how they "speak". You just get the feeling that they're just spouting off stuff they've been told or read, and you can only get true understanding from people who've been there, done that, etc. That's why I think this site has given so many of us such great success.
I hope you can stick with it and us and make a big success of your quit too. See you soon, Andi.
hi im on day 3, its so hard after smoking 20 a day for over 20 years, does it get easier and do you stop thinking about wanting one all the time, thx
Hiya Boydy, its great to see ya on this lovely quit support site
A big well done to you for getting to day 3 of your quit
Hmmmmm, yes have been their too, on day 3, ermmm, a few times may I add from my own experience, I think days 3 & 4 are the worst, after that it gets easier
but please dont let your guard down, cos you will get other hard days too
but the cravings get easier and less each day
Stay in there Boydy, cos your doing just fine, we all know how hard it is, so we are behind you every bit of the way, if you need us eh
I'm sorry Boydy, but have got to go now, as I'm up early in the morning, you stick at it, and good luck
Hi Boydy111, welcome to quit support. Yes it is hard to begin with but it does get easier. If you look through some of the hints and tips for distractions etc they may help. Are you using any nrt product which could always help too. stay with it you can do it no matter how long it takes. day4 now Yeah!

Thanx for your responses folks. Yes it does get easier. I found day 2 & 3 really hard but day 4 was a lot easier. It gets easier as you go but I did have a couple of days where it was hard. Think it was days 8 & 9 but only for an hour or so not the whole day. Stick in there. I smoked 20 a day for 31 years. If I can do it anyone can.
Good luck
thanks for all the lovely support x i am going cold turkey as have tried the patches, champix, in haler etc and have never gone more than a day or two, figure if i really want to stop i have to do it on my own. i think in the past when trying to quit ive thought of myself as a smoker who couldnt smoke, this time gonna try and think of myself as an ex smoker who doesnt want to smoke(if that makes sense)
I have smoked 20 a day for 40 plus years and only stopped now due to heart attack and having stents fitted, I never thought I would be able to quit but if I can do it so can you, now on day 22 and it does get easier, you still think about them during the day but occupy your mind with something else. I found the first 2 weeks the worst and then slowly you don't get as many cravings. Good Luck you can do this, we all can x
Great to hear you having such a positive outlook Kaprin. This really does help. Keep on guard and remember the power of the addiction. Many people in similar circumstances as yourself return to smoking within weeks. If yor outlook changes, refer back to how you are feeling now. Keep the faith

Aup Kaz, just wondering how you are doing gal
If you need to ask anything, or just want a good old moan, then please feel free Come on the Dailychat and let us know eh
Speak soon, Pete

Doing well thanx. Still have the odd thought about having one but it passes very quick. I think of myself as a non smoker now. I think you have to. I'm paranoid about smelling nice. Lol. Always spraying perfume and eating chewing gum (sugar free). How is everyone else doing? X

I’ll have stopped 7 years in October. This app helped lots, well done. It does get easier and it’s best thing I’ve done

Thanks to all those who replied, I’ll be 7 years smoke free in October! Where has the time gone