Hi Jilly and everyone. It doesn't feel a bit like Christmas for me in this heat. Christmas songs are on the telly this evening but weird when they sing about sleigh rides! Mind you, Jesus was born in a hot country so it's probably us that's wrong.
Must be lovely to be warm and cosy. See you have company down there as Muddles is in Tazmania .
You enjoy your nice hot christmas break. p.s. miss ya.
Aup Andi it sounds like your having a great time down under gal you enjoyyyyyyyy
I wish you a big happy Christmas aint half missin ya, sending huggs and xxxxx
Take care now and see ya soon
Hi Jillygirl, Andi and everyone,
I love your pic Jillygirl, those cats are adorable
Lovely to hear from you Andi, hope your having a brill time in the sun
Have a brill smoke free day everyone
Hi Sue, lovely to see you. I bet you'll have fun with Nairn on his 1st Christmas.
Morning Sue, hope your ok. whats the weather like up there? hope its not too bad for you.
Hi Jillygirl, it's nice and sunny here, but cold, at the least the sun cheers me up hope your weather's not too bad
Hi ya Sue it sounds like you've got nice weather up their in them hills
I bet you cant wait until tomorrow to see Nairn and give him his pressies eh
See ya soon xx
Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening to Everyone and G'Day to Andi and Muddles
For those who don't know me, I'm EmJay and stopped smoking back in 1994. It was then that I realised there wasn't as much hands on support for smokers as there could be and so decided to help set up a local self help support group for others who may be feeling the same. This led me to working with Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation and I've been here since and absolutely love, love, love my job
By providing an online stop smoking community means that we can now help anybody, wherever they are in the world who wants help to stop smoking.
It's lovely to see everyone about, giving so much support to each other and it's really nice to feel such a vibrant buzz about it
Bestest of wishes to Everyone
Aup Jillygirl
Love the pic of the cats, tried putting a hat on Monkey, naghhhh she wouldnt have it I hope your having a lovely day with your feet up of course
I'm working nights this week so wont get on until early morning but only have to work 3 nights tonight, Monday and Friday, so I will get some time off for Christmas hmmmm, that means I will be cooking Christmas dins, but I think er-in-doors is making the not so lumpy gravy
See ya in a bit perhaps xxxx
Oh Pete christmas dinner without lumpy gravy just isnt quite the same.
Hi everyone,
Just want to send seasons greetings to you all. I hope you all enjoy. This will be my first smoke free Christmas and I'm looking forward to spending it with my two sons.
My best wishes to you all.
Hi Sally so lovely to hear from you. Enjoy your smokefree christmas. xx
Hi ya Sally
Long time no see gal but I am so so glad you are still smokefree that is just brill gal, and thankyou for coming on here to let us know
Christmas greetings and huggs heading your way Sally and you enjoy the time with your Sons eh
You look after yourself gal and if you want to through a wobblie anytime, just come on here and we will wobble with you erm, me especially
All the best, Pete x
Good for you Sally and I am with you on this as it will also be my first smoke free Christmas with the family. Like you say "will be" and no way I am going back to all that yucky smoking & every 20 minutes having to go outside for a fag and then not being able to breathe etc etc...
Best wishes
Hi everyone,
As some if you know my laptop is not working so I'm using my phone, the signal here is terrible tonight so I only see 8 posts I've tried lots of things but it won't work so I'll sign off now, hoping it's better tomorrow.
Nite nite everyone, sweet dreams, luv yas xxxxx