DAILY CHAT/SATURDAY/19/10/2013: Good Morning... - Quit Support

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jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee
50 Replies

Good Morning

Weekend Yeah! Hope you are all ok and having a good smoke-free Saturday.

Pete off in his Van, Andi think she forgot to stop running. Sue52 probaly babysitting.

Sinfree feeling raring to go , Jonathan still on his NOPE trip. Mrs sunny, still laughing at the video from yesterday. Mr Ed and Chris i hope your still keeping positive. LilyMay, fighting the stress.

Well done to Busker and Siennaly for being quit 1 year today :) :)

Whatever your up to stay strong and shout for help if you need. :)

Have a lovely day

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jillygirl profile image
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50 Replies
monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Hi ya Jillygirl :) you just piped me to it gal :o love the pic :D :D

Have you done your exercise then ?? Andi's up and about somewhere, cos have just replied to her on Sunny's post :o

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply tomonky

Great minds think alike! 1 brain cell between us both. :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply tojillygirl

Hey Jilly, if we alllll got together on here, we could make about 3 brain cells to my reckoning eh :o :D :D

Friezfriend profile image
Friezfriend13 MONTHS WINNER

Morning! After a baaaad wanting a fag day yesterday (was my friends funeral) have woken up today feeling much more positive about it. We can do this can't we? Yippee. Hug to everyone today, have a great weekend.

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply toFriezfriend

Friezfriend Thats the spirit You can beat Mr Nic hands down. Have a good day. :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee







OMG Jilly I used to love Morph and to be honest I was a bit old for kids programs when that was on but I still loved it. Similar to Morph, Pingu, Aww I absolutely love pingu, can be so funny sometimes. On saying that though I watched (with my grandson I hasten to add) Peppa Pig one day, it was absolutely hilarious, the humour was definitely aimed at the adults watching and would have been lost on pre-schoolers. Justin Fletcher aka Mr Tumble is also a brilliant entertainer not just for the kids but his impersonations are soooo funny. I used to hate the clangers, thought it was stupid. And that's my critique on kids programs, just a big kid at heart. I have the theme music to In The Night Garden as my ringtone on my phone and Upsydaisy as a text alert haha.

I was quite raring to go this morning. I wanted a go on my new bike before the rains set in. Ended up doing 10 miles, didn't mean to go that far. Only took me 50 minutes. Love the bike. My nose runs when I go out on my bike and cos I didn't plan on going far I didn't take any tissues. By the time I got home my nose was running like a tap so I propped my bike up against the bins and came in for a tissue and the key to the garage. 2 minutes I was gone, came out to find my beautiful new bike strewn on the floor. They're so flipping light that it only takes a whisp of wind to move them. Now its got a scuffed end cap on the handle bar and its done something to the brakes too. Tsk bloody Tsk.

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to

Thats a shame about your bike, so annoying. at least you didnt light a ciggy up in frustration. :)

in reply tojillygirl

:) Yeah, never even thought of smoking :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Just for you Sinfree,


in reply tojillygirl

haha, brill :D

Eye_ profile image

Oh Jillygirl you have been busy! I love those clips, watch with mother was exactly what I did as a little one, rag, tag and bobtail; tales of the riverbank and Andy Pandy. Happy days.

Sin I'm so impressed at your bike ride, blimey, it's taken all my effort to get out around the supermarket this morning.

in reply toEye_

:) I don't like supermarket shopping either. :( Off out again for another ride in a minute. Brakes fixed. Hubby's coming with me now, so probably end up on a 20 mile trek :( Make hay while the rather weak looking sun attempts to shine.

andi22 profile image

Hi everyone, glad to see you're all having a good day.

My new computer's got to go back so they can give me a lesson cos it won't let me go online. Grrr! Windows 8! (or it may be the type of computer - who knows.) :o

Last night I was dozing on the sofa. We didn't get a tv til I was about 9 so the only watching I did was Watch with mother at my friend's (Andy Pandy, Bill & Ben, Rag, Tag & Bobtail) and I used to go next door to see Batman. Muffin was before my time and things like The Clangers was after.

Sin, sounds like you've got a lovely bike - and you hardly need to use the pedals! I went out on mine yesterday and did 12.33 miles. Should have gone out today but have just vegged this afternoon - caught some old Fred & Ginger films on tv. :o

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply toandi22

Hi Andi, a friend of mine put windows 8 on my laptop but i wasnt overwhelmed. You cant play dvds on it like the windows 7. So He put it back to windows 7 for me. You can play dvds but have to subscribe to windows. Good luck.

in reply toandi22

Oh well that explains why you don't remember all the programs then. Mind you our TV only had BBC 1 and ITV, it was made before BBC2 came out and couldn't receive it. I think I was getting on a bit something like 12 or so before we got a colour TV, prior to that I used to put Quality Street wrappers in front of my eyes and pretend I was watching in colour :D The bike is really good andi and the chain stays on, was a real bargain and I've already done more miles on it today than the previous owner did the whole time he had it.

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to

Hey Sin thats exactly the same as me. how silly we were with sweet wrappers. I also used the sweet wrappers to wrap little bows on twigs for christmas. How sad is that. :)

in reply tojillygirl

nahh, its not sad, needs must and all that, have you seen the price of some of the Christmas tree baubles these days :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply to

Yeah, I know just what you mean Sinfree, I can remember having to lick these diferent coloured bits of paper and make a chain out of them, gosh, did they taste yucky :P :P but my main job at Christmas, was to blow the flippin balloons up :D :D

EmJay profile image

'Zdrasti 'fsichki! That's Bulgarian for "Hi Everybody!"

I'm just sat at the airport and taking advantage of free wifi :-)

Lovely to see new faces about, a big warm welcome to you all xx

Absolutely lots to catch up on here, will help pass the time away before we fly :-/

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply toEmJay

Wayhay! wondered where you'd got to this time. ;-)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply toEmJay

Oh hello Emjay thought you were swearing at first. NOT you. :P :)

EmJay profile image

I've just checked my last posts before I went off and there's lots missing! There were all kinds of gremlins the couple of days I went and the post about my going away and Eye being on watch has gone :-/ Can't remember anything else that I posted now. Everything looks mad busy, it's fab to see :-)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toEmJay

yeah, I thought it funny you not telling us you were going on a little trip :o cos usually you doooo :) but never mind, as long as you have had a great time eh :) :)

Speak soon, Pete :) xx

Eye_ profile image
Eye_ in reply toEmJay

Hey there Emjay, great to hear from you, did you have a fab holiday?

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

One for you Pete. :D


monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply tojillygirl

:D :D close gal, but I used to like the Lone Ranger :o :D :D Hi Yo Silver Awayyyyyyyyy :)


monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

I can remember having to wait for the TV to warm up first, before we could watch anything :o and when we switched it off, it used to go to a white dot !! that got smaller and smaller :D :D

The TV was about 2ft wide, and 4ft high, with a screen of about 8inches :D :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply tomonky

Your right i remember the little shrinking dot. also they had that test card on nearly half of the day.

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply tojillygirl

Yeah :D :D :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Bet you remember newsreel too. that was my bed time then . not changed much eh. :D

andi22 profile image

Tried coming on a bit earlier but couldn't get into anything. :o I think all the search engines were on overload! I think I'm going right off computers. :( On my old one for now but the screen's gone a bit dark so not much cop in the daylight.

Did we get the tiling finished today Jilly? Perhas you'll have to skip your bath tonight so you don't have the grout dripping over you while you're in there. :o ;-)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toandi22

Auppppp Andi, its great to see ya gal :) :) erm, 8-) just in case it comes brighter eh :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply toandi22

Not finished yet as we had company this aft. But your right skip the bath for a couple of nights. Hope you get sorted with the computer. :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Hey Jilly, when the Onedin line finished, that was my bed time :o


jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply tomonky

forgot your younger than me. :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply tojillygirl

:P :P :D :D

andi22 profile image

I used to love the Onedin Line. :)

Had to find a box of chocs earlier Pete. It was a toss-up between one box with and expiry date of March 2013 or one with September 2013. The September one won cos I decided I fancied some really posh Lindt choccies. :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toandi22

Yes Andi, that was one program that I sat down, and watch it all :)

:P yum flippin :P yum gal

I hope you have saved some for us :o

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply tomonky

Of course I have - when are you coming to get them then? :o :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toandi22

Hmmmmm, when would you like me to come and get em then :o ;)

in reply toandi22

I liked the Onedin Line too. Lots of it was filmed in Bayards Cove in Dartmouth. Love it there. When the Onedin Line finally finished it was followed by Edward VII. Aw I loved that sooooo much. I can still remember the theme music to that, it was so majestic. I was still a kid then but I used to love all the discussions Queen Victoria had with the politicians then, was it Gladstone? They used to get quite heated.

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to

I'm still here. :)

in reply toandi22

Hello :) You not going bye bye's yet then?

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Rite I will Love you and leave you lovely people :) :( cos ave got to do some zzzzzzzing now, cos believe me I need em :o

Erm, if I can rise early enough, then I will open the Daily Chat tomorrow, as, erm, I've got a little tale to tell you :o :D

Nite nite everybody, luvs ya all :) xxxxx Keep calm, collective, positive and above all certain on your quit eh :) :)

in reply tomonky

Ooooh , how exciting, can't wait. I lurve gossip. :) Night Pete, you make sure you get lots of sleep so you're up bright and early tomorrow, I will be waiting here with baited breath. :D

andi22 profile image

Nite nite Pete, Jilly and everyone. Can't wait for the morning and your tale Pete. Sleep well and sweet dreams. :) xxxx

andi22 profile image

Hey Sin, thought you might want someone to talk to tonight. ;-)

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply toandi22

Got to go now, see you tomorrow, sleep well. Nite nite Sin. :)

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