Good morning,
I hope you are all feeling fine and craving free today. Get those healthy nibbles and snacks at the ready, and send old Mr nic packing. Tell him he`s banned for today.
So whatever your up to enjoy your day.
Good morning,
I hope you are all feeling fine and craving free today. Get those healthy nibbles and snacks at the ready, and send old Mr nic packing. Tell him he`s banned for today.
So whatever your up to enjoy your day.
Morning jillygirl and everyone, have used extra on the e-cig this morning so i will have to hide it for the rest of the day, ( out of sight, out of mind ).
Hope everyone has a great Nic free day, at least the sun is shining, well it is here
Hola all sending you big hugs and lots of strength for today : ) Have a good one
Hi Beel , how you doing. still as happy as ever I hope. have a lovely day. xx
Good morning everyone
jillygirl it’s lovely to see you on here. Last time I was on I think you were on your jollies. How are you?
Keep the positivity flowing peeps and I'll nip on again later
Good afternoon Jarvo, Long time no see. Yes i was away last time you were in charge. I am fine thank you. Still trying to lose weight as it wont be helping my diabetes. However I arent too worried about it. How are you doing, dont be working too hard.
Hello all....2 whole weeks smoke free! Feeling really great, still struggle in the evening
but just put positive thoughts in my, wealth and happiness to name but a few.
Have a great day everyone. Don't get on much but will try and check in every day. Good luck to everyone. Dawn xxx
Well I've decided to go back on Champix to get off the nicotine lozenges. I remember when I used champix to stop smoking that lozenges tasted disgusting, they used to go all slimy. So I still had some left and in desperation I decided to just have half a tablet in the morning and another half in the evening, if they appear to be working (there's 14 whole tablets so they should last me 28 days) I'm gonna go to the docs to see if they can prescribe me some more. As Queen says I've got to break free.
On a more positive note, after the Giant Avail debacle and the chain that didn't want to be chained I got a refund. Have just won (talking ebay speak here, still got to pay for the dam thing unfortunately ) a Canondale road bike on ebay, t'was nail biting stuff with secret bidders hiding until the last five minutes. won it with just 1 second to go.
Hi, me again!
Thanks Jillygirl, you’re doing brilliant. It’s lovely to see you helping others after all this time. You could probably do our job no
Sinfree, nice to meet you. I’m a little concerned as to why you feel you need Champix to come off the lozenge (am I understanding you correctly?) The idea of using NRT (nicotine replacement therapy) is to set your quit date or cut down to quit and replace your cigarettes with the lozenges. With Champix you smoke for the first week to two weeks and then quit. You usually find your cigarettes taste differently or you might light the cigarette and realise you don’t want it. It works with the nicotine receptors in the brain. The most important thing with Champix is to complete the 12 week course. Have a little look at this link
Dawlol, welcome back and well done on quitting for 2 weeks. What can you do to help you through the evenings? It could be as simple as sitting in a different chair (if you smoked in the house); breathing exercises or do a puzzle. A craving will pass whether you have a cigarette or not. It will get easier with time.
I hope this helps a little!!
Thanks Jarvo! I know you are right - it's only certain times/places so it is all mind association. I will get through it this time as this is definitely my FINAL QUIT! xxx
Hi Jarvo. I stopped smoking back in January using Champix but never really took to it. I stopped using Champix just before the end of the course in April as I didn't feel it was doing anything plus I slipped at the time and smoked 18 cigs. Then I started using nicotine lozenges, I've never smoked since but am soooo addicted to lozenges now. After attempts at stopping the lozenges but suffering really bad cravings and bad temper to go with it I just thought maybe the Champix would get me off the lozenges and I have some left so thought I'd try it again. If it looked like it was helping I was going to go to Doctors to get back on Champix to try to finally kick the nicotine lozenge habit that I've now developed.
However, since this morning I've been out this afternoon and bought a new e-cig. Seems the one I've been using since May was rubbish which was why I thought it didn't work well for me. Now I've got my new e-cig I've only had one lozenge all day so now I don't really know what to do. I'd ideally like to use nothing but every time I try to ditch nicotine it ends in me getting really angry, I just can't cope without nicotine in one form or another.
Well done dawlol. Keep positive
Good evening everybody
Rite am off to have a read of the posts, back in a bit
Good evening Pete, how has your day been today?
Aup Jillygirl
As poor hubby finished tiling the bathroom yet ?? Am just wondering, how are you getting on with the Diabetes, have you got a stricked diet to keep too
Tiling not finished hubby got man flu.
Diet well its nearly as bad as nicotine addiction. I have to cut down on all the nice things. Always the case isnt it. Go in 2 weeks to see the nurse who will then advise me what and what not to do. Like hubby says theres always summat int tha.
How about this then, I emailed our local council on Saturday to report a large pot hole on the entrance to our flat. I received an email back on Monday (yesterday) saying they would look at it within the next 28 days.
Went out this morning and the pot hole was repaired. Wow makes a change.
Hmmmmmm, that tells me Jillygirl, that they know you orrrrrrr, somebody has told them about you
so they thought they had best get it done pretty smartish, before you get your rolling pin out to em eh
too true.
Hey Jillygirl, erm, did you count my 10 Commandments yesterday ??
Certainly did. 10 plus 1 for luck .
My Sarah is 40 next month. She tells everyone she is 18 with 22 years experience.
you flippin gals think your the bees knees, huh, you dont take any notice of us old boys
Tell hubby, that he's rite, cos there is always summat, int tha
By gum laddie yer sound more Yorkshire than me.
I duna doea !! that cana be rit gal cos am from ea
see !!
sounds more scottish to me.
Sounds more like Scottish to me!
(Where's our Sue when you need her?
Bees do have knees i just spotted one roller skating with its knee pads on.
Hey Jillygirl, when you see your Sarah next, tell her Am going with her on that
I will tell the young bits of stuff at work, that am 27 now, with 30 years experience
Hmmmm I suspect it will give em a laugh eh
OK that means I am 24 with 40 years experience. still sounds old to me.
40 Years experience eh
Bet you dont half flirt with the girls. Must keep them amused though.
Good evening everybody.
Looks like most of you have had a good day. Did you get that lovely sunshine? I wanted to go out on my bike but thought I'd better stay home and do something in the garden. I had my eyes tested this morning. She said that my distance vision has improved and my other way has slightly deteriorated but I still don't need reading glasses. The worse part is when you're out shopping and I try to read labels and packets. They make the print smaller and smaller and put stupid colours one on top of the other on purpose so no-one can read them. I'm trying to find a good sized magnifying glass to keep in my handbag for such times - it really does my head in.
Anyway, I went out running tonight with my running group - lovely evening for it. The moon and stars are out now - but the wind and rain will be back tomorrow.
OK for you southern girls. flippin cold and windy here. at least it didnt rain well only a little bit this morning. Glad you enjoyed your evening. I went out for a meal with Sarah and my granddaughter.They had fish and chips and i had scampi and salad. so reasonably good.
GOOD NEWS! Our Sue is back tomorrow. Just managed to get signal with her phone line etc. send her love to you all.
Well its shut eye time for me or nearly, so Night nite Andi, Pete and everyone else. At least we all have a laugh before the day is over. See you all tomorrow. loves ya all. xx
Nite nite Jillygirl, a luvs ya tooooo gal, you enjoy the 3 BBBs eh Bath, Bed and the Bee's knees
Oh good, we'll look forward to that then.
Nite nite Andi, ave got to go now, erm, but have found you something
I hope you sleep well, and have the most lovely dream ever
speak soon